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Thirty Three

I felt a breeze and woke up slowly.

I looked down to find myself naked. What happened last night?

I grabbed the duvet and rushed to the bathroom. I had the quickest shower known to man.

When I was done, I walked back into the room. I grabbed his top and my leggings before rushing down the stairs.

“Good morning baby.” I felt hands wrap around my waist.

“Morning, what happened last night?” I asked sitting down on the stool in the kitchen.

“The same thing that’s been happening for the past month and a bit.” He said walking up to the stove flipping the food.

“Oh no.” I murmured.

“You hungry?”

“A little.” I said as he placed the plate in front of me.

“Dig in.” He said.

I done just that.

“This is…urm.” I rushed to the bathroom and put my head over the toilet, letting it all out. I felt a presence behind me, before he held my hair.

“Is my food that bad?” Malakai said looking upset.

“No it was good. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Toothbrush?” I asked while standing up tying my hair up.

“Here you go Igneous.” Malakai said handing me a new pack.

“You still be calling me that?” I asked squirting toothpaste onto the brush

“Of course. You will always be my little igneous.” He said squeezing my cheeks.

“I aint that short! Cha!”I started brushing my teeth. Once I was done I sat down on the edge of the bath crossing my legs.

“Your very short.” He said while closing the door and standing behind it. I noticed that he was topless. He noticed me looking.

“Like what you see?” He asked. I nodded slightly and he walked up to me kissing me slowly. I pushed him back slowly.

“We can’t do this…We can’t do this anymore.  Your married. I’m engaged.”  I said while putting my head in my hands.

“They don’t have to know…” Malakai said rubbing my cheeks.

“It’s wrong, but so right.” I said slowly.

“I still love you.”  Malakai said.

“You have Keri, she’s pregnant.” I stated.

“You still love me.” He replied.

“I have Tristan, I’m engaged.” I said before standing up.

“Wha-” He started.

“I can’t do this anymore.” I walked out with him following me.

“You can…”

“No I can’t.” I walked out and got into the rented car.


I rushed through the lobby of the hotel, pushing past.

I got in the lift and pushed a button waiting.

I searched my pockets as the door opened. Where was it?

I stood in front of the room door, knocking.  5 minutes went past and I was still outside the door. I knew they were in.

“EMI, open the door!” I shouted. The door opened and there stood Emi with Damien stood behind her.

“Look who decided to show up.” Emi said before kissing her teeth and walking off. Damien stood there looking lost.

“Hiya love.” I said while hugging him.

“Ur hi, Miss Quinns. Sorry about Emi she’s just upset cos you weren’t here.” I nodded.

“You don’t have to apologize, I understand. I was just at a friend’s house.”  I said slowly regretting it.

“Oh, Uncle Malakai’s?” He questioned.

“What? How did you know that?” I asked.

“The top. I got it for him for his birthday. Designed it myself.” I looked at it closely.

It said his name at the bottom.

“Oh uhm…” I tried to explain myself

“Don’t worry, I don’t wanna know.” He said slowly before walking off. I stepped into the room to see tinsel everywhere and the Christmas tree we bought up.

“Oh no!” I rubbed my face before rushing into Emi’s room.

“Get out!”

“No, Emi lets talk. Damien could you, outside.” I pointed and he nodded.

“Ma how could you?” Emi said with tears in her eyes.

“I’m sorry Emi.” I hugged her and she pushed me off her.

“This is the first year, in 7 YEARS! Ma, 7 years! That were spending Christmas together as a family. And you weren’t here today. Your always too busy for us. Watch me up and leave and go to pops! ” Emi said.

“I… I don’t know what to say…I’ll make it up to you.” I said slowly.

“Make it up to me? Me? I think you should be making it up to Asten and Memphitz.” My mouth dropped, I forget all about them. Emi always called Tristan, Memphitz since it was his surname.

I rushed out and walked into our room to see Tristan sitting on the edge of the bed rubbing his hands.

I walked up to him slowly.

“Trist…I...” I started.

“Shut up, just shut up.” He said looking angry.

“I’m sorry baby.” I rushed out.

“Where were you?” He asked

“I was with Ramel.” I lied.

“Why you lying? I was at his with the kids yesterday. ” He said looking at me; I could see the hurt in his eyes.

 I felt to cry. He was too good for me.

“Did I say Ramel? I meant Khalil.” I rushed.

“Khalil huh?” I nodded slowly and he walked up to me. I stepped back with every step he took. I was backed up against the wall with his hands behind my neck pulling me closer to him.

“What are you going to do to me?” I asked.

“Nothing. I know you’re doing something…behind my back, But ima leave it for you to tell me yourself.” Tristan said before kissing me. I just watched him in shock. He tugged at the top before saying:

“Khalil my arse.” 

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