Sixteen- PART ONE. ©

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Hayden's POV

"Dad! You don't understand, he's always doing this to me!" I kissed my teeth.

"Doing what?" My Dad said, gripping onto my shoulder.

I shook it off.

"Malakai’s always been jealous of me, he's always trying to put me down and do everything better than me." I kissed my teeth.

"F*ck off Hayden if you're gonna lie, lie properly.  And should I not being the one saying that? You’re forever putting me down.  Your 2 years older than me not 10. You’ve got Kadisha. Plus Rockelle likes me. Don’t you understand?”  Malakai said as I screwed

"Oi, mind your mouth." DJ commanded.

I looked on my bed, picked up Malakai's phone and flung it at him. 

He ducked, and it hit the wall.

"Are you f*cking stupid?" he ran towards me, and swung for my face. 

As I reached for his neck, my dad pulled me back.

"Dad, get off me." I was fuming now, who does this prick think he is?! "Swear down Malakai, I'm gonna kill you! Watch"

"No you won't man! Sit down Hayden." DJ said, before pushing me towards the bed. "If you're gonna act like a little kid, I'll treat you like one. Your turning 17 soon act it! Coury acts more mature than you."

"What you talking about? He's the one being childish. Why do I always get the f*cking blame?" I asked

From the corner of my eye, I could see Malakai picking up the pieces left of his phone.


“I’ll buy you a new phone Kai! Watch the way you’re talking to me Hayden, I’m your father not your friend. But seriously stop, things like this can end up with one of yous dead and trust me I know.” My dad said before sitting down.

I put my head in my hands.

“Dad what are you talking about? You aint killed someone before have you?” I asked.

“This aint about me, it’s about you lots.” He swiftly changed the subject.

To be honest this was all abit to much for me.

“Hayden, you’re like my brother but seriously you need to fix up! Look at your life, what a joke.” Malakai said while looking out of the window.

“What are you boys going to do about it then?”  My dad asked.

“What is there to do? Ask Hayden since he’s my ‘boss’” Malakai said while kissing his teeth.

I stood up. "Shut up, just because you wanted to be leader of WSD and Flex chose me! Don't piss me off, unlike me; you don't have 'potential'."

“Oh, is it now? After you don't even know what potential means." He kissed his teeth.

“Do I even have to? You think you're so f*cking perfect, I can get you killed." It came out before I could stop it.

“‘The fuck?! Hay -" dad shouted.

"No, Uncle DJ, let him finish, let him say what he wants to say." Malakai interrupted.

I kept quiet.

"Gwarn', say it then. Init you're Mr. Tough guy, everything's perfect for you." Malakai said. He was testing my patience.

Don't listen to him Hayden... Don't listen to him.

He continued. "So, you're gonna just let some girl come in the middle of our friendship? Wait, what am I saying? She's not just 'some girl'... don't you get it?! You cannot have everything. Sure you wish you could, but you F*CKING CAN'T HAYDEN! NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU, OR YOU’RE LIFE! ALL YOU'RE AFTER IS PUSSY"

He moved closer


And closer

"AND POWER! That's all you started caring about ever since you got closer to Flex and the WSD! You don't even care that Sandra is walking around with your yout! You don’t care, but what about your f*cking seed?! I wouldn't be surprised if the baby is yours, cos' that's all you do. You do sh*t and don't take enough responsibility for it! The only reason why I joined that f*cking gang, was because of you! Remember? My eleventh birthday? When we promised to be friends no matter what?"

His voice cracked.

"R-ride or die? Remember that?! How stupid, ride or die huh? You're a prick!" He kissed his teeth.

My heart raced, my palms began to sweat. Everything he said was true. And I couldn't take it.

I raised my fist, and punched him. My temper was rising! 

Everything around me was spinning. I felt so angry! Why would he say that?

“Oh my! HAYDEN CALL THE AMBULANCE! He aint breathing!” Dad shouted.

“I-I…I didn’t mean too! I swear!” I shouted. I knew he had breathing problems.


I ran down the stairs. 

"MUM!" I addressed my step-mum Shalom, and ran into the kitchen where her voice was coming from.

"No way Sandy! You can't choose Ludacris over Usher, what do you know?!" She was grinning, with the phone pressed onto her ear, before turning to me. "What's the matter Hay?"

"It's Malakai! I need the phone now!" I grabbed it off her, hang up and dialed 999.


"Do you realize what you've done Hayden?!"  My dad shouted in my face

We were in the reception waiting for Uncle Dontae and his girlfriend Sandy and Dad was pacing up and down the corridor.

I kissed my teeth. "Yeah, but you're acting like he doesn't normally run out of breath. It aint my fault" 

"Don't even try it with me Hay! I'm VERY disappointed in you and yeah, it happens but this time YOU CAUSED IT!"  He shouted.

"Shut up. Just shut up. I DON’T CARE.”  

De'Troy's POV

"I DON'T CARE!" Hayden shouted, making some of the nurse’s glare in our direction.

I grabbed his arm. "Hayden, come off it man!"

"Leave me alone! Move." He shouted.

"Hayden, do you know who you're talking to? I'm your father, you're actually lucky to have me. Sit down, listen, and don’t speak!"

I released my grip, and sat down next to him.

"I'm not gonna start until you calm down..." I quietly said.

He was still breathing heavily and staring into blank space.

Reminds me of my days. My days as Blaze.

Blaze. Blaze. Blaze.

Blaze, my worst enemy. He ruined my life. He transformed me into a whole new person, whenever he felt like it. I had no control over him. When Blaze came to life, De'Troy died. Poor, innocent, vulnerable De'Troy!

"It's not too late to change Hay." 

He looked up at me.

"No offence Dad, but no one understands." Hayden said

I sighed.

"I might not be going through whatever you are, but I'm here. You can tell me anything you know?"

"Dad, I know where this is going! You're gonna do what Shalom did to Coury right? Say some long speech then it'll lead me to tell you everything that's going on in my life." He sighed

I shook my head, grinning. "Nah, not even. I just wanna know that... what you're doing... Hayden, it can get you killed."

He scoffed. "What do you know? Like I said before, you don't understand, nobody gets me!"

I cleared my throat.

"Blaze. That's what they called me,”


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