Chapter 42/43

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I shook my head slowly. How dare he name my baby girl over his dead child?His dead child. He lied to me. He told me that I gave him his first child.I looked at him intently

"Get out"

 "No don't be like this." He said

"You lied to me Tristan" I cried out.

"I'm sorry."

"You told me, I gave you your first child. YOU LIED TO ME and then you had the audacity, audacity to name our daughter after your dead baby girl? How dare you?" I slapped him hard and he turned to face the floor.

 "Rockelle you know I would never hurt you. Not intentionally anyway. I love you," he said while getting down on his knees. I looked down at him with tears in my eyes. "Please Rocky, I love you. My life." He said as tears rolled down his face. I know this was hurting him. 

"Just leave." He sighed before standing up and pulling his shoes on. He kissed Narayah's head and looked at me.I turned away. He opened the door and I called him back

."What?" I pulled the ring off an threw it at him.

2 years later

"Gee, Gee" Damien Jr, Emi's 1yr old son. He had a problem pronouncing words, so instead of saying Grandma he called me Gee Gee or Mama.

"Yes, baby?" I said while bathing him. Today was both Nahla-Rae and Damien Jr's birthday bash. Nahla had just turned 2 and, Damien had just turned 1. I decided to call Narayah, Nahla since it was her middle name and just added the Rae onto it. I didn't want any bad luck. 

"Bubbles, bub- bubbles" he said before giggling. I poured some bubble bath inside and he screeched in excitement.

I smiled. I was only 29 and already a grandparent. This wasn't how I imagined my life.

I dried him before taking him out.

"Emelia! Damien. Come get Junior he needs to get dressed. Guest are coming in an hour max" I shouted down the stairs. Minutes later Damien popped up.

"Morning Rockelle" I smiled and handed him Damien.

"Morning, the cakes here yet?" He nodded. "DJ? Camera guy?" He nodded. "What about-" 

"Everythings fine okay? Just relax" he tapped me on my shoulder before walking away. I nodded after him. This party had to be PERFECT! I had people flying in from london aswell as canada. My aunt Kasey , her husband Tyreece and there daughters Sarah and Shevelle. I also invited Shalom, Dj, Dontae, Sandy and the rest. But only since there was a possibility that Nahla was his. 

I stepped into my room to see Nahla sitting infront of the tv still in her pjs.

"Nahla up now." I said as I ironed her dress for the day. 

"No mommy" 

"Rae, I'm counting" she stood up and smiled at me. I shook my head.

"We gon see who's still smiling when their teeth fall out" I laughed and sat her down. She had already bathed. I changed her into the polka dot pink dress before combing her hair out into a big bus with two plaits at the back and 3 canerows in the front. 

"You look beautiful, Nahla" I smiled at her and she rushed downstairs.

"Time for mummy to get ready, " I murmured to myself. I pulled out my white maxi dress and white wedges before putting them on. I looked at my face. I quickly sorted out my makeup before stepping downstairs."Asten!" I shouted. No reply. I stepped into the garden. 

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