Living Life: Advice, Mistakes, Situations, Everything you could ask for.

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Dear Readers, 

     So I've recently been inspired to share all (Well not all. I'm really very sure you don't want to know about my entire life. xD) but most of my experiences with you guys. Honestly, a lot of it's probably going to be stupid things I've said or mistakes I've made or maybe even the way I feel about things like relationships, but I'm hoping you guys can get something out of it. You know, like a learn from my mistakes thing.

        That way, you won't have to learn from your mistakes. You can just take what we all learned from mine and apply it to yours so you won't have to ho through it. Because I honestly think that they'll be embarassing stories.

     If you don't like it, the answer is simple: Don't read it. Go on now. Shoo. xD But for those of you who want my advice, help, or anything else, read on. And I hope you get something from all of this. At least it will save someone the embarrassment and/or pain.



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