"You know, Lucifer was once an angel?"

"Of course, i'm not a fucking idiot," Sophia says, tracing my collar bones with her small knife gently. 

"Then you know that even beings as pure as angels are fucked up in the head."

"What're you getting at, fag?"

I grin, "You're like Satan, Sophia. Pure of heart, but evil of mind."

Sophia's face twists into pure rage and she lungs at my throat with her knife, missing by a centimeter because Hannah is behind her pulling her away from me. Hannah whispers calming words into her friends ear, repeating the words 'Thou shalt not kill' a hundred times before walking back over to me with a truly terrifying expression plastered onto her pale face. 

"If you've got any sense, you'll shut up," Hannah says, leaning close to my face with her pitch fork centimeters from my eyes. 

This is turning into a bad sop-opera very quickly. 

-Louis' POV- 

 Pulling up to Hannah's place, anxiety sets in. In a matter of mniutes, my current boyfriend and ex-girlfriend will be in the same room as me. Both of them probably hate me. This will not go down easily, that's for damn sure. 

"Are we all going to go in at once?" Perrie asks.

"No, that would be stupid! There's too many of us," Zayn answered. 

"But there's power in numbers!" Danielle added, Eleanor nodding her head in agreement. 

Then everyone started shouting, arguing over who would go in and who wouldn't. My head starts to pound and I can feel my heartbeat in my fingertips, panicking. 

"How about we let Louis decide? It is his boyfriend," Liam shut everyone up.

"Well?" Niall says, his blue eyes glaring into my soul. 

Looking around, I see everyone in the group looking at me, waiting for an answer. Taking a deep breath and thinking logically about which way would be easiest.

"I think Eleanor, Danielle, Perrie, and myself should go in."

"No way, Perrie isn't going in there without me!" Zayn complains, pulling his fiancee into his side protectively. 

"And Danielle isn't going in there without me," Liam adds, smiling at Danielle lovingly. 

"I'll be fine, if anyone was concerned about me," Eleanor says, giggling bitterly. 

Again, everyone starts to argue and yell, so I do the only thing I can do: scream at them until they get it together. 

"You all put me in charge, and I made it clear who I wanted with me and who I wanted out here! End of discussion!" 

"Fine," Everyone mutters under their breath. 

"Then let's get started on a plan," I say, rounding up everyone. 

After a few minutes of conversation and throwing around ideas, we decide that Eleanor, Danielle, Perrie, and I will go in and try to reason with Sophia and Hannah. Whilst that happens, Liam will call 911 and report a kidnapping. And by the door, Zayn and Niall will wait by the doors and listen for trouble, that way they can step in if it comes to a fight. If we are in there for longer than 15 minutes, everyone will come in and get us. Ready for action, we all take our places and jump right in. 

As we walk to the shed, I hear screaming. And as we get nearer and nearer, they get louder and my heart pumps harder. Eleanor knocks on the shed door politely, but it takes too long apparently and Perrie decides to kick it open.

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