His Electric Feel Part 27

Start from the beginning

"And this?" He tilted my chin upwards with his forefinger and dropped a kiss on the underside of my jaw.

I tugged on his shirt to get him to keep going. He kissed right below the corner of my lips. Just a little more and he was home.

"This is okay right?" he asked in a gravelly voice as he finally kissed where I so badly wanted him to, on my own, tortured lips.

"Very," I murmured against his lips as we began to move with one another.

The force of electricity that hit me was enough to make me double over and let out an aching moan. Wasting no time at all, Van tried to enter, but I shut my mouth just in time. I wanted to get everything just right and that meant taking things at a slow pace. I'm sure Van was going to make me pay though, and he never was one to disappoint.

As the kiss went deeper and the combination of fire and electricity raced throughout me, Van's grip on my shirt loosened. He slid his hand up, causing the jersey to ride up with him, and rested it right below my breast. He placed his other hand on my newly exposed stomach.

The feel of his palm on my flat abdomen was almost unbearable but so tantalizing at the same time. I pressed into his open hand while twisting one of my hands into his dark hair and pushed even harder against his lips. In response, Van drew my bottom lip in between his and begun to suck at it. As he started to playfully nip at it, I felt a small amount of pressure on my stomach from Van's hand. He was pushing us backwards, and I could either fall down or follow his lead.

He backed us up until I hit the Camaro, all the while, our lips staying in contact. Once we hit the car, he turned us so he had his back to the car. His hand left my stomach, but his kissing got even more intense as he licked my bottom lip and gave it back to me in order to open a full attack. He opened his mouth against mine and I could barely think of anything but the feel of Van. Vaguely though, I heard a fumbling noise going on in the outside world.

Van was nibbling on my bottom lip again when I heard a loud click. I didn't pay it any attention though, because I was completely lost in Van's touch. I only realized it was the sound of the door opening when Van lifted me up so my knees were on either side of his waist. I pulled back out of curiosity and was shocked to see we were falling into the Camaro's backseat.

"Unhum, back here Lilo," Van exhaled as he captured my mouth again.

When we hit the empty seat, we both bounced a little before I came to a rest on top of him. Instincts kicked in as I spread my legs and settled above his waist. When I dropped my hips and let my weight fall on Van, I had to throw my head back for the moan that shot through me. A bulge in Van's pants was pressing right against my core. This time though, Van took full advantage of my open mouth.

He sprung to his elbows and filled my mouth with his tongue. My first reaction was to pull back, but the wave of sparks that filled me had me pinning Van's hands above his head and attacking him like he was the only bottle of water, and I had just come out of the desert. He tasted like dark spices and temptation, and I couldn't get enough of it. Every part of my being was pressed against his as I ravaged his mouth with my tongue. I ran it across his teeth when I felt his smile against my lips. So he was enjoying this as much as I was?

I had my legs clenched around his in a death grip, and ever so slightly, kept my hips in motion. I was never a fan of dry humping, but then again, I was never a fan of making out in the back seat like teenagers. And that's kind of what we were. Two love struck teenagers sneaking away from the forbidding parents and going at it in the cool sports car. The ban Tyson placed on Van made it that much sweeter and exhilarating though. This was a game of roulette that I shouldn't have ever started playing, but I had no intentions of stopping.

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