Daniels POV.

Zach? Why is she talking to Zach? Geez he wasn't kidding when he said he was gonna slide in, he even got her number. I don't even follow her on Instagram, yet. I feel her grey eyes on me, I don't look at her I keep my head down eating my cereal. There wasn't anything left to pretend to eat, I swallowed my pride but then I hear Anna "your starring". My cheeks heat up slightly and look up meeting her grey eyes, when I think of the color grey I think of cold, dark and ice but when I look into Hallie's grey eyes with blue shooting out around her pupil that makes it look like a flower, I think of the sun and sun flowers. She lights up a room and of course I shouldn't say that since I met her two days ago but in those two days I've noticed the way my mom and dad smile when she walks in and the way Anna lights up and the way Tyler smirks. Me I don't know what I do but I hope she has the effect on me that she has on them.

I peel my eyes from her and look at Anna who had her eyebrow up then she smirked and jumped off her stool. Hallie followed her I watched them step up the stairs, Hallie walked up the stairs on her tiptoes, she looked so elegant but she also had a small bounce in each step. Why am I observing so much of Hallie? I don't usually do this. I frown when their back disappear into Anna's room.

I text the band group chat.

Giraffe neck Seavey 🐴
Hello people!

Corbitch Besson 🔬
Shhh I'm sleeping 😴

Zach Heroine 💉
Hey Daniel 😏

HoEnAh mArrAy 😎
What's with the smirk? But hey y'all

Giraffe neck Seavey 🐴
Yea Zach, what's with the smirk?

Noodles Avery 🍜
Oh snap, what's about to go down?

Zach Heroine 💉
lol I gotcho girl

Giraffe neck Seavey 🐴
Haha Zach, one she isn't my girl. Two she literally just said you were a kid.

Noodles Avery🍜
Dani got a girl???

Corbitch Besson 🔬
Nvm sleep! What's about to go down

HoEnAh mArrAy 😎
Wait. How come we didn't know you had a girl?

Giraffe neck Seavey 🐴
Because I don't! She doesn't belong to anyone.

Noodles Avery 🍜
Awe Dani, so sweet of you but are you talking to her?

Giraffe neck Seavey 🐴
In person, I just met her.

Zach Heroine 💉
But you've known of her for years.

Corbitch Besson🔬

Giraffe neck Seavey🐴
Yea, she's been Anna's best friend for about 3 years

HoEnAh mArrAy 😎
Damn Daniel, (lol) talk to her more. Maybe y'all are meant to be 😉

Giraffe neck Seavey 🐴

Noodles Avery 🍜
what's her @ ??

Zach Heroine 💉
@hallieray :)

Noodles Avery🍜
Woah. She's pretty.

HoEnAh mArrAy 😎
Yea she is lol, I'm following her.

Corbitch Besson🔬
I'll ask my queen first :)

Zach Heroine 💉
I'm already following her :)))

Giraffe neck Seavey 🐴
We know Zach.
👀 by Zach Heroine💉, and 3 others..

I click onto her Instagram, I refreshed it until it said that all of them followed her, me being the only one who hadn't. "Whatcha looking at" she chuckles and her laugh fills the room, my face heats up and i turn to meet her grey eyes. "Sorry, I was just- you know what I was stalking" I admit, her face reddens and she smiles widely. She walked to the fridge tapping my shoulder "why don't you click that follow button" she takes out three water bottles and winks at me tossing one bottle to both of my siblings. "You wanna come with us?" Tyler asked me "where to?" I smile and nodded at Hallie "her favorite hike, we were just gonna run but she wanted to hike" I stand up quickly and nod "of course I love hiking" I grab a bottle and follow them out the door.


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