"Jessica don't you—," I started walking towards her before she cut me off again.

"We haven't been broken up long," she smiled, "it's not right stringing these other girls along when you know it's been me all along."

The found of footsteps came in my direction seeing Lisey attempt to speed walk fast me back down the hallway to where my bedroom was at.

Before she could get past, I stopped her with my arm blocking the hallway.

"Lisey," I whispered, "I'm sorry."

She shook her head before I noticed tears start to form in her eyes before pushing past me.  I watched as she entered my bedroom slamming the door behind her as she disappeared.

"Really Jessica?!" I screamed, "why must you have to be an overprotective fuck over me?! we aren't together anymore!"

At this point I was in rage.  There were so many things I wanted to do to her but couldn't because she was a girl. 

This wasn't fair.  Yes, i've had many girls after her, but i've never wanted one so bad as I do Lisey.  Not once did I invite another female to stay at my place nor did I care about their feelings.

At this point, I feel as if I love Lisey more than I have ever loved Jessica the years i have spent with her.

"You're such a psycho bitch!" I screamed again stepping closer to her before I felt Steven's hand on my chest; I didn't even notice he got up.

"Bro bro," Steven said, "I know she's crazy.. but you can't stoop to her level."

My nostrils flared as I watched Jessica smirk from only a few feet away from me. The thought she won this game she was trying to place.

She don't want me, she just don't want to see me with somebody else.
The idea of seeing me happy
Destroys her in itself
To see me falling to pieces
Brings her joy, brings her hell.

"Jess," I said refusing to meet her eyes, "leave."

"W-what did i—,"

"Jess! Go!"

After she left with a slam of the door, Steven let go of me allowing me to regain control of myself again.  As I looked out into the living room, I noticed Kacey wasn't there anymore.  She must be with Lisey.

My feet carried me towards my bedroom, opening it seeing Lisey crying at the edge of my bed with Lisey holding her in her arms.

Lisey was so sensitive, she didn't deserve any of what Jessica said. It wasn't true.  I wanted Lisey for the long run, I pictured it.

"Lisey i'm sorry..," I apologized weekly walking in her direction before sitting beside her on my bed, "what she said isn't true."

Her wet puffy eyes found mine as she picked her head up from her lap looking confused as if I was lying.

ellise's pov

"What do you mean it isn't true?" I muttered wiping the tears that were staining my cheeks away, "how many girls was there?"

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