He lost his parents too, and he also hated the way people treated him after. Envy now makes it his mission to get at least one smile out of me, each and every day. My mission is to refuse it, so he also smiles and trys harder.

I love it, but hate it at the same time. I don't need a reminder of them each day, and I hate feeling like people have to tip toe around my emotions.



"So there's this party friday, and I will just die if my Reece's Piece isn't there. Think your Ant will babysit?" Mayva sat on the picnic table, stealing a fry from my lunch tray.

Mayva is a close friend of mine, we met the first day of school. She owns a thick figure, multitask hair, a Butter tea skin tone and a Latina attitude I loved.

I admired how she got all her ass to nicely fit into the pants I've been wanting, but my big behind looked fake so I left them in the store.

After I flat out asked how she got her ass in them jeans, Mayva was happy to share and now we are like two peas in a pod.

I pushed my tray to Mayva, to finish the fries if she wanted. "I'll ask her, but you know how funny Aunt Sally can be sometimes".

"What about your cousin Georgia, will she do it?".

"She has her own kids, I doubt she wants to babysit four more and an old women".

"Sheit mane. Don't give up, I have a feeling this party is going to be worth while" Mayva danced away from the table, giving me the peace sign.

Envy slid beside me, checking Mayva out as she walked away. "Damn, can you get me in good with your friend? She's nice".

Ian checks just about every cute girl he sees, this dude is always looking for some.

"She still has a boyfriend, so once again; forget it" I grabbed my bag.

He looked to me as I rose from my seat. "Where you going? Lunch just started".

"I'm performing at the Shop in 10, wanna come?".

I have many talents; the reason I attend a performance arts school instead of a regular high school. The Shop, is this coffee place near the school. They have people performe there throughout the day.

He shoved his bagel into his mouth, picked up his drink, bags, and cell, and followed me to my car.



Envy stumbled in the Shop behind me. "Don't embarrass me" I whisper. He's so clumsy sometimes.

I shyly creeped around the crowd as a young lady with big beautiful hair, and a sweet voice sang her song.

If I could build a rocket I would.

Put all my dreams inside it I would.

Maybe I could travel far into something new.

Hang onto a shooting star bursting into view.

Just me and my fickle heart, lonely never felt so right.

I would go anywhere tonight.


Envy and I clapped, as two more acts went up before me.


"Hi everyone, I'm Jareece. Hope I don't waste your time" I joked, hanging the guitar a worker just handed me, over my shoulder.

Im so tired of being here. Suppressed by all my childish fears.

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