The Outcast~ Chapter Ten

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Woohoo! The decade of all my chapters! Thanks to all of you who keep reading The Outcast! Gage would love that Rose's story is being supported ;D

Anywho, you know the deal; comment or fan~!





Where am I?

Who is she?

Why do I feel this way?




What did I do again?

What's going on?

Where is my Saviour?

Emotions are mixed,

But the pain is real.


I was soaked with sweat, blood, and tears.

I hate her.

Hate her so much.

Glaring as fiercly as I could, I got up with trembling legs.

"I said stay on the ground!! You nasty whore!!"

A kick was delivered in my gut.

The air went out of me in a short blast.

I coughed, spitting out blood.

"I......" I tried to speak, but was so dehydrated, tired, and beaten up that I couldn't form any words.

"I think it's about time for me to finish you up. I'm getting tired of  you prancing around here in these slutty skirts and tops- you little whore. You bring in too many men!!" She growled, pulling out a sleek knife that I had seen too many times to count.

"No...." I cried, tears streaming my bloody face.

What is she saying...? I don't wear that stuff- I never showed her Gage...

"Roseey- you've been bad." she sung, kneeling down to me and putting the blade to my throat.

I tried not to breathe.

All my hope is gone.

She pressed the knife tip closer to my throat, I felt the pressure worsen.

All my memories.

I remember them all.

But I feel no different then I did before.

"You're such a child- and a wimp." she muttered softly, tracing across my neck lightly with the knife.

I trembled.

"You never stood up to me. You never fight back. And that's what's so fun about whore."

The knife was now at my shoulder, I stared at the knife, more afraid to look at Grandmother Rose than the blade that could slice me open.

"You're my relative.." I breathed, watching with fearful eyes, my fists clenched on the floor.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 03, 2012 ⏰

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