"But the fi—,"

"We don't need to go on like rollercoasters and shit.  Like kid shit sounds fun," she said before grabbing onto my hand, "lets go!"

12:01 a.m.

Everything was starting to close down considering majority of the people that were here left.  Lisey and I were now pulling out of the large parking lot and onto the main road as we started heading towards my apartment. 

The car ride was silent because I could tell in Lisey's voice that she was completely exhausted by the day.  I watched as she covered herself up with my hoodie before laying her head down onto the window, closing her eyes as she slowly began to fall asleep.

20 mins later..

"Lisey," I whispered opening the passenger door, "were here love, were home."

"I'm sleepy baby," she moaned stretching her arms out opening her eyes slightly, "I don't feel like getting up."

"I can carry you," I offered knowing that Lisey probably weighed only 100 pounds if that. 

"N-no it's okay," she mumbled before forcing herself up to stand up.

My arms immediately found her waist supporting her up as she yawned loudly covering her face with her palms.

"Oh shit," she said rubbing her eyes, "I need a fucking nap."

"I know," I laughed holding her body close to mine as we started walking towards the tall building, "you're going to be in bed soon."

"Can't wait," she smiled as we continued our journey towards my room number.

10 mins later...

"So fucking warm," Lisey said as we entered my apartment, "it's so cold outside."

"Maybe you shouldn't have worn shorts and a tank top," I suggested closing the door behind us as she walked into the living room. 

"Sorry," she said before turning her head to look down into the hallway, "Kacey you here?!"

No answer.

"Maybe she's with Steven?" I said putting her fish into a little clear bowl before following her down the hallway stopping in front of Kacey's room.

"WAIT!" I said quickly slapping Lisey's hand away as she started to reach for the door knob, "what if they're fucking."

"Your friend would bring a female to your place to fuck?  That's kind of weird."

"Steven is unpredictable," I laughed scratching the back of my neck before Lisey opened the door willingly.

Luckily, nobody was there.

"See," she smiled, "they wasn't fucking."

"Uh," I started watching as she turned down the hallway towards my room, "they probably are just at his place," I said following her stopping as I watched her begin to undress herself. 

"She needs a good fuck," Lisey smiled turning around to face me, "maybe he can teach her a thing or two."

I watched as she pushed the small denim shorts down her legs before removing the skin tight black tank top off of her body, throwing it to the side.

My eyes immediately fell to her black lacy bra that matched her panties evenly; I swear I could drool.

"Like?" Lisey smiled twirling around in front of me, "I picked it out.  It's one of my faves."

"Mine too," I said unknowingly before covering up my mouth quickly.

She laughed moving her hair to the side as I awkwardly walked over towards the end of my bed sitting down beside the large stuffed animal that stayed by my side.

I don't see why I was still so nervous of her; she was mine already.

"So," she started walking closer to me, "about the sex thing."

ellise's pov

"Do you think you'd want to?" I smirked as I swung my leg over Diego's lap straddling his waist completely.

"W-what?" Diego questioned and I could immediately feel his hard on pressing up against my center already. 

He was so cute when he was nervous, in an uncomfortable position.  He was really this really awkward shy kid who didn't really know how to express himself, but he sure as hell did try and when he did, it was no disappoint.

"I'm basically asking if you want to fuck me."


"Damn babe," I laughed as I slowly started to grind myself on top to him, "nervous aren't you? Don't be.  I don't bite.. much."

I felt his hands grip onto my hips immediately tugging onto the small hand that held my lacy panties together. 

"You make me nervous," he said lowly as I started to leave a trail of wet kisses from his jaw to the base of his neck making sure to leave dark bruises.

"Now all the girls out there will know you're mine," I laughed running my thumb over the small purplish areas, "now you'll have proof."

"Always been mine since I seen you Lisey."

"I guess so," I laughed locking my eyes with his, "but i'm really tired, I think I need some sleep," I said again before leaning down pecking his lips softly.

diego's pov

what? why? how? the fuck?

She literally set me up to fail.  This boner is not going to go away unless she does something about it.

"Y-you're just going to bed?" I asked as she removed herself off of my lap and started crawling towards the center of the bed.

"Yeah," she sad lifting my blanket up, "super tired."

How the fuck am I gonna sleep with her half naked beside me?

"Oh.. okay," I said standing up unbuckling my jeans before taking them completely off, "but you're an ass for teasing me."

"I told you I don't just give myself up Diego."

"But i'm you're boyfriend."


"So you shouldn't tease me," I smiled sliding into the bed beside her, "That's mean."

"Well maybe I like being mean," she said smoothly laying her head black against the pillows, "goodnight Diego."

"Night my love."

not edited

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