The Truth with more Lies

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"Scott..I was on the phone with Scott", Stiles burst out, tears forming in his eyes because he knew that what he just said may have messed everything up for Lydia and Scott.

"That's not funny", Thomas scoffed, "please just be honest".

"Wow", Stiles snarled, "you don't believe me.. I'm trying to be honest and you don't believe me..".

"Scott's dead.. we were just at his funeral", Thomas added.

"Hold on", Newt jumped into the conversation, "prove it".

"What", Thomas looked surprised.

"We knew something had been going on with him.. this might kind of make sense..", said Newt and he slowly turned his attention to Stiles and less towards his boyfriend, "Stiles, if this is true we want proof..".

"Fine.. meet me at my Jeep and I'll take you".

"No", Thomas demanded, "you can't drive in the condition you were just in.. this forest is secret enough.. no one else is out here.. tell him to come here".

"Okay.. I will.. but if he knows you guys are here he won't come..".

"Then don't tell him we are here".

"Aren't you going to ask why?".

"Not right now.. that's too much to deal with.. just get him here..".

Stiles nodded. He texted Scott to meet him in the forest. Newt and Thomas hid behind a giant fallen tree trunk a few hundred yards away so they could witness Scott being alive without Scott knowing. They wanted to see if it was really true or if Stiles was just mourning to the point of a mental break.

"Babe", Thomas started talking to his boyfriend, "you don't really think he could be alive do you? I mean we saw him..".

"We also saw Gally when we got out of the maze with an arrow through his chest but somehow we found him a long time later good as new.. anything is possible Tommy".

Newt made a good point. It wouldn't be anything they had never seen before. It just seemed pretty hard to believe, but Newt seemed to have faith in Stiles, he wanted to believe him, it was nice.

Thomas gave a small smile, "Newt".


Thomas pulled Newt close to him and gave him a soft and meaningful peck on the lips.

"What was that for?", Newt asked blushing.

"For having faith in my brother and for being someone I can count on".

Newt smiled and was going to lean in for another kiss but before he could, a voice and crunching of leaves interrupted their moment.

"Stiles... thank god I found you.. you alright?", said the voice.

"Babe.. we were so worried when you were freaking out like that", said another.

"Holy shit..", Thomas said.

"No bloody way", Newt gasped.

The couple couldn't believe their eyes. Not only was it Scott, alive in the flesh, but it was also Lydia. The 2 of them, living, breathing, healthy and fucking alive.

Thomas jumped up to run to them, but Newt immediately pulled him down.

"Not yet Tommy.. we need to know why they kept being alive a secret and how they are even alive.. just sit tight for now okay?".

Thomas was angry.. how could they all do this to everyone.. it hurt.

"No.. I can find out myself", he goes to stand up again only to have Newt pull him to the ground again. "Fucking damn it Newt, stop it".

"No.. just listen to me.. please".

It was very hard for Thomas to say no to his boyfriend. Looking into his honey brown eyes actually calmed him down and hypnotized him enough to agree to just stay put.

The couple stayed hidden while Scott, Lydia and Stiles argued with one another about their plans and how Stiles wanted to tell everyone that they were really alive and that no one needed to believe they were dead to hide from what hurt them.. but they said he couldn't.

The boys were in shock.

"Newt.. I-I can't believe it", Thomas whispered.

"This is bazaar.. some crazy ass Gally fucking bullshit, but maybe.. just maybe, we should hear them out.. I mean as insane as it was, gally had a good reason right?".

"I mean I guess so.. but if they have a reason like a good one, then why is Stiles trying to stop them? And maybe we don't need to know about it yet..".

"What do you mean Tommy?".

"I mean if they are literally faking their deaths just to avoid this big threat and protect their loved ones then this must be pretty bad; To be honest babe we have been through way too many battles and maybe this one isn't ours? We are too young to have dealt with all we have. Maybe it's our turn to have a normal life and be rescued..". Thomas finished with the hope that Newt would agree with him, but of course, that's not the case.

"Thomas.. as much as I would love to just turn around, go back home, sit on the couch and catch up on all the movies we have missed or toss a ball around like normal, but our lives have never been normal and I don't think its gunna now. We have to be there for the people who were there for us, for family and friends", the blonde said with truth and a bit of disappointment in his voice.

"I knew you were going to say something like that, which is why I love you.. but also despise you a little bit right now", Thomas whispered with a small smile.

Newt lightly chuckled then leaned in a little closer to his ear and whispered so quite Thomas could barely hear him but just enough to feel newts breath against him ear and neck. "Okay fine.. since you despise me so much, let's take a break tonight and you can show me how much you actually don't despise me", Newt spoke as if he were trying to seduce him.. which he was.

Everything inside Thomas quivered and aroused him. He was harder than a test on your least favourite subject from School.
"Fuck Newt.. I'm going to take you home and lead you downstairs and fu-"... Thomas was cut off.

"And what exactly are you two going to do?", said the voice of a sweet yet feisty strawberry blonde.

"Oh shit.." Thomas whispered to himself as he looked up and saw Scott and Lydia standing over on the other side of the log peering down at the two laying down, Stiles running quickly behind them and just caught up.

"Sorry guys.. they have super hearing and Scott can sniff out humans from a mile away.. so.. they quickly figured out someone was watching us", Stiles said between the heavy breaths from running about 100ft.

Lydia turns around from facing the boys on the ground who were now sitting on the log, to Stiles. "What the hell Stiles? Why would you bring them here.. no one is supposed to know..".
"Because it's really hard to keep the fact that my girlfriend and best friend are alive from my brother and who he's closest to..".
"I know it must be but you can talk to us about it or Deaton, just not-..".
"Not who? My family? Look someone deserves to know, Thomas fucking found your body Lydia! He deserves to know that's not actually how you went out, he doesn't need to live like that he's been through enough already.. fuck we all have.. just come home.. both of you..".

Scott chimed in, "You know we can't Stiles..".
"Scott's right Honey, you know we can't" , Lydia added.

"If you two don't get your shit together, come home and apologize to the people you hurt, then I don't want anything to do with either of you!", Stiles yelled at the two and then stormed out of the forest.

They were all shocked, Scott, Lydia, Thomas and Newt all stood there in silence, not saying a word


Fate is a Dangerous Thing {Newtmas Fanfic}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon