Heartbreaks and Hard Falls

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After a few moments of awkward silence, with Lydia holding back tears and Scott being clearly ridden with guilt, Thomas decided to chime in with that "charm" of his.

"Sooooo", he began, "the weather is a lot nicer in this forest isn't it? Ya know...less wind?".

"Oh bloody hell Tommy", Newt rolled his eyes as he spoke, "shut up and go talk to your brother".

"No.." Lydia said almost cutting him off, "let me".

The doe eyed Lydia then began to run gracefully yet quickly out of the forest, calling for Stiles.


No answer.


No answer.

"Where are you?!..STI-", she cut herself off when she noticed him about 20 feet away, with his back turned from her, sitting against a tree, twiddling his thumbs with tears in his eyes.

Lydia walked towards him as gracefully as she does everything, and lightly plopped herself beside him.

The two sat in silence for what felt like ages, yet was only actually about 10 minutes, not saying a word to one another.

Finally, Stiles turned towards Lydia and uttered 5 words she never thought she would hear from him, "I can't do this anymore".

Lydia took a deep breath and tried to compose herself before she responded, but couldn't, "what do you mean you can't", she said barely keeping it together.

"You think lying is the answer,  you think you have to protect me, protect everyone; why can't you just be with me Lydia? Why do you have to run and lie? I thought that was the old us" he took a deep breath and sighed, "I thought we could move on from this".

"Stiles, we have to protect people so they don't get hurt..we always have".

"But we don't have to lie Lydia. It seems people get hurt no matter if we lie or not. The only difference is people don't only get hurt physically, but also emotionally. I'm tired of it", Stiles eyes begin to tear up, "I don't need your protection, or Scott's; I need you to listen on the days I need you and not be out chasing werewolves or whatever. I need to hold you in my arms on the couch as we watch the notebook as many times as you desire because I know how much you love it, I need to take you out to a romantic dinner without interruption from a supernatural creature trying to hurt either of us. I need look you into your gorgeous green, heart piercing eyes without having to look into them like it may be the last time I do so". The boy breathed heavily with anguish laced within each breath.

Lydia's emerald eyes allow 2 tears to escape her ducts and roll down her cheek, she was amazed by what Stiles was saying and was so in love with this man, but she knew in her heart what was right, and what she needed to let happen.

"I just need you Lydia, can't we just be in a regular relationship, for once? Can we do that? Can you stop the lying, stop the running, and just be with me? Please?".

"Stiles..", she began to weep, "I can't let Theo or whoever hurt anyone else, and in order to do that, I need to pretend that I'm gone.. I'm sorry", she said with deep dread in her voice.

Stiles began to cry, full tears streaming down his soft cheeks, "I am proud of you for protecting everyone, I really am, but I can't keep watching you and Scott and everyone we love get hurt... I also can't lose my brother, I mean I just got him back, I'm sorry..". He said trying to gain composure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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