To the Hospital

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Stiles gave his father a swift nod and briefly let him know that him and Thomas were heading out to get some food, but assured the sheriff that they would be back shortly.
The 2 boys exit the tainted building and climb into Stiles mangled up, old jeep. As Thomas's brother starts the vehicle, it sputters and coughs as if it had laryngitis.
"She's old", Stiles proclaims as the engine struggles into a start. "But she's still running, her and all her glory".
Thomas let out a chuckle, "Wow if I didn't know any better, I would think that you were in love".
"What can I say, she's one of a kind, but she's no Lydia".
Stiles grinned like an idiot and started driving toward the hospital.

Lydia was Stiles girlfriend. After Thomas woke up, Stiles had mentioned her amongst their lengthy conversation. He didn't really say too much, just described her beautiful strawberry blonde hair that matched her green eyes to perfection and how her brain was an enigma he was still trying to solve himself.

Thomas couldn't help but ask the question,
"You mentioned Lydia earlier..", he sputtered out, "You must really care for her".
Stiles took a deep breath, Thomas thought he was going to burst into tears, he looked so deeply moved by the sound of her name, but instead a genuinely soft smile appeared to his face.
"Thomas, I care about her..", he paused like holding onto what he was about to say next, "Hell, I even love her. I've loved her since the third grade, nothing will ever compare to the feeling I get when I see her..its like..".
Thomas jumped in, "The world is okay again?".
"Yeah", stiles voice softened, "All I see is beauty and perfection.. She's like a breath of fresh air I've always needed, do you know what that feels like?".
"Yeah.. ". Thoughts of a cute, awkward, lanky boy with perfectly parted blonde locks and honey brown eyes flooded into Thomas's mind caused by the words Stiles just said.

Thomas couldn't reject what he was feeling anymore, as much as he tried to stuff it down, he couldn't. Words like 'just a friend' and 'buddy' just couldn't capture the way he felt for Newt. All he wanted to do was see if he was okay, he didn't care about the others, he didn't even care much for himself at the moment. The panic attack he had earlier was nothing compared to the way he felt knowing that he wasn't with him, that he could lose him. Thomas had to face it head on, the a bullet in the dark heading straight for his heart. He was in love with Newt.

Thomas took all this in as the 2 boys parked at the hospital. Stiles unbuckled his seatbelt and opened his door. Thomas didn't. He was frozen..
'I love Newt.. Me!.. What do I say? What if he's not okay?.. What if he hates me after leaving him with these people?... Shit.. I can't face him.. I can't do this'. Was all he could think.
His inward thoughts brought a pale and worried expression to his face.

Stiles was closing the door of his jeep until he noticed the look on his new brothers face.
"Thomas.. You okay? Are we going in?"
"I-I... I can't". Thomas didn't know how to face Newt, now excepting how he truly felt made him uneasy.
"Why? Are you having another panic attack?" Stiles looked severely concerned.
"No.. No I-I'm fine.. I just.. I changed my mind.. Can we go?"
"What about your friend? Don't you want to see them?"
"Of course but-", Thomas was cut off,
"Dude, you just made it out of a giant maze with killer spiders, you have been running from people who have been experimenting on you and basically shut down the entire operation and managed to save what's left of the human race. So why is walking in to see your friend so hard for you?"
Thomas gave Stiles a look of shock but Stiles calmly continued.
" Look I know you're avoiding seeing whoever is in there, but I also know you want to see them". A look of saddened concern tugged onto Stiles face, "On the way to the station.. M-my Dad told me th-that when he found you.. You were holding a friend in your arms..".

Thomas's head snapped defensively towards Stiles.
Stiles continued hesitantly, "He said he was hurt pretty bad.. A giant wound on his ribcage..".
Thomas sighed, praying internally that Stiles was done talking, but his prayer didn't work.
"Thomas.. Is that who were going to go see in there?"

Thomas's breath shuttered as his eyes were starting to glass over. He quickly turned his head downward and squeezed his eyes shut, holding back the tears he knew were coming.

Stiles smoothly and calmly climbed back into the jeep and put a hand on Thomas's shoulder.
"He's going to be okay.. I promise".
Thomas slowly looked back up at his brother who had a soft grin on his lips.

That's all Thomas had needed, for someone to tell him Newt was going to be okay, or that he is okay, some glimmer of hope he could hold onto when he walked into his hospital room.

Thomas nodded towards his twin, "Okay, I'm ready..".
"Are you sure?"
"Ready as I'll ever be".
Stiles smiled at his brothers newly regained confidence. "Good, I think I'll just stay here then.. See you in awhile?"

Thomas nodded and started heading towards the entrance of the undefinable building, until he felt his feet tugging him back into a stand still. He then rotated his body back towards the jeep. "Hey Stiles!" He called out, "Thanks!"
Stiles nodded him on, which increased his newly restored confidence that much more.

Thomas entered the building and climbed the stairs and his nerves climbed almost in sync with each step he took until he reached a desk with a sign above it that read, "visitors and check-in/out".

"How can I help you?", asked the lady at the front desk.
"I-I'm looking for someone by the name of Newt?".
"Does Newt have a last name?"
As taken back Thomas was by that comment, it also made him giggle inside, he wasn't sure what he was supposed to tell her.
"Um.. Not that I know of..". He spat out involuntarily.
The secretary gave him a long, confused look before she glanced back down at the list of recent check-ins.
"He's in room 3c, down the hall and second door on your right".
"Thank you". Thomas muttered in a hurry and he walked as fast as his legs would take him to the room marked with the number 3 and the letter 'c'.

This was it.. He was here, to see Newt. Thomas thought back to what Stiles had said, he was right, he had been through so much, the maze, running from WICKED, the cranks, but still, he had never been as scared as he was in this moment. Thomas took a deep breath in through his nose and out his mouth, grabbed the door knob to the room, and twisted it open.

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