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5 days had passed since the gladers made it out, since Thomas found his family and since he had held Newt's hand, feeling warm and content. That feeling hadn't left Thomas, but it felt slightly different.

Within the past 5 days, Thomas had moved in with his new family and the sheriff had agreed upon the idea of Newt living with them for a while, in fact, he seemed delighted to host the blonde. This had made Thomas jittery and nervous, seeing as Newt living with them would make it much harder for Thomas to hide his feelings for the boy, but he knew there was nothing he could do for now, besides, Newt doesn't get discharged from the hospital for another 2 days, maybe it was 3. To Thomas, that didn't matter, he could deal with his emotions then. For now, Thomas decided to direct his attention toward his new life and his new family.

Stiles girlfriend Lydia had redecorated the guest room just special for Thomas, kinda to make it a room that would be his own, something that made him feel like a member of the family rather than a guest. The walls were painted a deep Aqua blue and every piece of furniture including the bed, the bedside table and the chairs his desk matched with the walls, the closets were chalked full of a different variety of clothes from jeans and t-shirt's to dress shoes and suit jackets. To Thomas, it was perfect. He had no words, he was eternally greatful for what everyone was doing for him.

"I really hope you like it Thomas, I just thought it would be a little gift that says 'welcome to your new home'", the strawberry blonde smiled, sheepishly tucking a loose curl behind her ear.

"This.. This is incredible", Thomas pausing and takes a quick look around, "and probably one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me", a soft, genuine grin rose to Thomas's face and as continued, "Thank you.. Thank you so much".

Thomas came into an internal state of shock when he felt two smooth, delicate arms wrap around his torso and embrace him into a hug. It had probably been about a year since Thomas had last hugged someone, maybe even longer, and it felt good. Really good for someone to hold him, like everything was going to be okay.

A figure came up behind Thomas and put a hand gently on his shoulder, causing the banshee to release Thomas slowly before he spoke.

"Hey, get your own strawberry blonde", Stiles smirked sarcastically, which caused Thomas to do nothing but let out a chuckle, "this ones all mine", he said as he grabbed her hand and spun her into his embrace.

"Stiles Stilinski, you are one smooth talker", she said as she rolled her eyes, a slight grin tugging up onto her face and Stiles planted a light, passionate kiss onto her lips.

"Well anyways, I'm glad you like it!", he said quickly pulling his lips away from hers, "Now Dad sent me up here to say dinners ready, and if nobody is down there soon, he's going to eat all the good slices".

"Slices? We're having pizza"?

"Wow Lyds, nothing gets past you". Stiles playfully sneers at the girl, causing a slight nudge of her elbow into his side.

"C'mon, let's just go eat". Lydia giggled, clearly flirting with her boyfriend. "Thomas, are you coming?"

Thomas was completely dazed out after Stiles came into the room and was sweet talkin' with Lydia. All that talk caused him to think of Newt again. He wanted to feel that kind of love with him. That feeling of being wanted by that one person who you know will never betray you, who you have small inside jokes with and can spontaneously kiss whenever you want. That's what he wanted. No.. That's what he needed.


The couple, the sheriff and Thomas ate the pizza faster than the gladers gobbled up frypans bacon. Thomas swore pizza was the best thing to ever happen to him, besides his new family of course. No offence to frypan, but Thomas thought this doughy, cheese covered, carb loaded dish was way better than anything he had ever made.

"Thanks for dinner, it was amazing", Thomas said to the sheriff, leaning back in his chair, indicating he was full.

"Yeah thanks dad".

"Thank you so much for having me Mr. Stilinski, but I should really be getting home". Lydia smiled lightly as she stood up and brushed off her dress.

"You're very welcome my dear", murmured the sheriff.
"Your leaving? So soon?", Stiles said with a hint of sadness in his voice.
"Yeah, we have school tomorrow remember?" She giggled at his ability to forget so easily.
"Oh yeah..well, I'll walk you out", he smiled.
The strawberry blonde and her boyfriend proceeded to the front door after she gently pushed Stiles' shoulder, in a flirty way, acknowledging him to come with her.

Thomas swung his head around to the kitchen clock, 10:45 pm.
"Wow, it's getting later than I thought", Thomas told his father, "I should probably get some sleep".
Thomas usually went to bed as early as possible in the Glade, when he was trying to avoid everyone, stay out of their way, and just get some alone time. Out in the scorch, he basically did the same, he knew he would have to be up bright and early to keep moving, to out run WICKED, so going to bed past 9:30 almost felt strange to him. As he glanced at the time, it was almost like tiredness immediately consumed him.

"You're right, you should get some rest", the sheriff added, "you have a big day tomorrow".
"I do?", the 2 words came out more sarcastically than he had planned, but Thomas genuinely had no idea what his dad was talking about.
"Yes, don't you remember?".

Shit, Thomas thought to himself, Newt's coming home tomorrow.. What the hell am I supposed to do? I'm not ready..

"Oh yeah, Newt's coming home tomorrow..". He said shrugging off the question and walking toward his new room.

"Well yes.. But aren't you forgetting something else?".

What else could I possibly be forgetting?

Thomas paused giving his dad a blank look of confusion, only causing him to laugh.

"School Thomas, you start school tomorrow".

Oh great.. the boy thought, at least it will keep my mind off of what I'm supposed to do about my feelings for Newt.

"Oh, I forgot.. Well I should really go to bed then, goodnight sir".
Thomas couldn't call him dad yet, he really cared about his father, but he didn't know him well enough to call him dad. He could tell that the sheriff wanted him to call him dad or father.. But it was going to take some time.

"Goodnight son", the twins father said as a soft smile tugged onto his worn out facade.
Thomas walked into his new room, threw on a new pair of pajamas that Lydia picked out for him, brushed his teeth and climbed under his Aqua coloured sheets, rolling onto his side and lightly hugging a soft, fluffy pillow that lay at the top on the bed. Thoughts began to swirl within his mind as soon as his head hit the pillow.
School? Am I actually going to school? Am I going to be a normal kid? What are they going to think of me? I could hang out with stiles.. What if people think I'm Stiles? What if they hate me?
Thomas could barely think straight with all these thoughts cluttering his judgement.
"Thomas, you're being crazy, it'll be fine". Thomas reassured himself out loud. "What could possibly happen?".

Those are the last words Thomas said that day as he was growing dreary. But his thoughts continued to be aroused. Sure, school was a worry that crossed his mind from time to time, but his real worry was about Newt coming to live with them so soon.

A million scenarios ran through the worried boys head, like Newt finding out about his feelings, Newt running out, telling him he's 'bloody insane' and telling him he 'never wants to see him again'. All these thoughts scared Thomas to his core and kept him lying awake, just staring at the wall, petrified that his feelings for the boy he loved, his feelings for Newt, would just scare him away.

Little did Thomas know, that same boy was lying in his hospital bed, cuddled in his mint green sheets, thinking the exact same thing.

A/N: I'm sorry this chapter is a bit of a jump in time and a bit confusing but thank you all for reading this! Almost 150 reads!!! WOW! Thank you! :)

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