I Faked Death

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"Hey", the sweet voice of the strawberry blonde softened as a sign of guilt.

"Y-your here? Your alive? No.. No this can't be real I'm dreaming.. I have to be".

"Stiles you're not dreaming, I'm real, this is real, this is me Lydia".

"Stop!", Stiles shrieked, "you always do this.. In my dreams, you try to convince me that you are here but you're not! You're dead! You're gone and there is nothing I can do!

Lydia would typically be panicked by this sort of thing, Stiles freaking out, being delusional, having panic attacks, but not this time; in this circumstance, Lydia knew exactly what to do.

"Stiles look at me", she said sternly which immediately grabbed his attention from his rapid breathing, "count your fingers.. You have more fingers in dreams".

The panicked boy wouldn't do it, he was too panicked in his dream like state, in too much pain from his loss. Lydia did not care at this point, she had enough and just needed her sane, logical boyfriend back. She grabbed Stiles hand and held it to his face.

Stiles attention was brought to his fingers.
*One.. T-two.. Three, Four..Five..*, he counted in his head each one of his fingers on his right hand. He quickly glanced to the other and did the same thing, counted to five and took a deep breath and looked up to see some gemstone green eyes staring back at him.

"Lyds.. It's you, you're here. Alive", Stiles smiled with tears filling his eyes.

"That's kinda what I've been trying to tell you all along", she smirked while letting out a light giggle.

Stiles grabbed either side of her face and grinned with one tear streaming slowly down his face like it was imitating a turtle.

"You're here".

"I am Stiles, I am".

The brunette pulled her face towards his quickly until their lips were interlocked. He passionately showed her how much she meant to him and how much he missed her.


After several minutes of crying and hugging and lip locking, Stiles finally asked the obvious question.

"Sweetie.. How.. How are you-".

"Alive?", Lydia finished his sentence.

Stiles politely nodded.

Lydia went on to explain how it all happened. How she thought she was done for, how she regretted never being able to say goodbye. How Theo and his pack were there, how she didn't actually know who hurt her, that all she remembered was seeing Theo's pack and that's the last thing she remembered until she woke up it the morge, in extreme pain all torn up with werewolf scratches tarnishing her body.

"Werewolf scratches.. But Lydia that was only a couple months ago.. You should have scars..".

"You'd think I would have", she interjected, "when I woke up in the morge, I still had them, I had no idea what happened but I freaked out. I went to the closest place to the hospital that I knew someone.. The Vet Clinic. Deaton fixed me up for over a month and let me crash at his place".

"Wait.. You were okay for that long? You didn't actually die? You went to Deaton and not me?! Why?".

"I told you he was the closest to the hospital".

"Sure at the time, but there were ways to get ahold of me Lyds... To let me know you weren't dead!".

"I didn't tell you for a reason!".

"Well what reason was that!?".

"BECAUSE..", she took a deep breath, "I'm not supposed to be here right now.. But because I'm a banshee.. I figured it out.. I can't die not until it's really my time to die, until nature takes its course.. Old age.. I would have stayed in that state, all cut up and disoriented, for far longer than I did if I didn't reach out to Deaton, we agreed to keep this all a secret for awhile, for my safety, for yours, for everyone's".

"Lydia, you are being crazy, we live in Beacon Hills, we will never be one hundred percent safe you know that right?"

"I get that, but Theo.. His pack.. Or whoever got to me is still out there and if I'm gone I'm less of a threat to them. That's what they want don't you get that? They will stop fighting if they know their main threats are gone.. Me and-", Lydia was cut off by her equally intelligent boyfriend.

"Scott, they killed Scott".

"But did they? I heard Scott died, at first I was torn apart, I wanted to run here as soon as I could and be there for you but then I realized.. What if what happened to him happened to me. Soon enough, he showed up at Deatons".

"Scott.. Scotts alive too? He's okay?", a giant smile appeared to Stiles rosey face.

"We all agreed to keep what happened between us until we could figure out what was going on", Lydia finished.

"So you let us all go on thinking you were dead? How-how could you do that to us?", Stiles stuttered in frustration and drained confusion.

"Stiles we-", Lydia tried to argue in her favour but knew she wouldn't convince Stiles that what she did was the right thing. "I know you are angry we didn't tell you and you don't understand but we did this for a reason and now that you know everything, we suggest you keep this a secret too".

"It's not a suggestion though,", the brunette scowled, "is it? You need me to lie to everyone and still pretend like you are gone when you are right here with me.. Listen I'm tired of lying, so if you want to keep lying, pretending your doing this for the sake of everyone.. Everyone is heart broken over you two. My dad had to watch your bodies be stuffed into a body bag and write paper work on all of you... How do you think he is doing right now hmm? Or your mom? Or Scotts? Or Malia? Did you guys ever think that you aren't helping us all by pretending you are gone? You are hurting us, so screw you Lydia, if you are going to do this, it isn't going to be with me".

"What are you saying Stiles?".

"I'm saying if you are going to continue to lie about this, hurt everyone I love? Then go ahead, but I'm not going to be apart of it".

"A-are.. are you breaking up with me?", tears started to form into the strawberry blondes eyes.

"No Lydia", the distraught boys voice started to break as he spoke, "I could never", he says as he grabs her face. "I love you Lydia Martin", a genuine smile leaps onto his face.

"I-I love you too Stiles Stilinski", she cries into him laying a passionate kiss upon his soft, tender lips.


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