After I Love You

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Both the boys stood there in silence, shocked that Newt even had the courage to utter those 3 simple yet complex words. After minutes of silence, Thomas spoke up.

"You.. You love me?"

"Of course I do you bloody idiot".

"I..I don't know what to say".

"You know you don't have to say it back Tommy.. I get it takes a lot of time for some people to feel the same way and-", the blonde was cut off.

"I feel the same way, I just feel saying it isn't enough, even showing it isn't enough", the suddenly sluggish brunette arched up his shoulders and shyly put his hands in his front pockets, "I just don't know how to say I love you because the words alone don't nearly describe how strongly I feel for you".

The blonde smiled widely, walked swiftly to Thomas and planted a sweet kiss upon his lips,
"You just did Tommy".

Both the boys smile and hug one another so tight that they don't think they will ever or can ever let go, until something breaks them apart: the ringing of the house phone.

"I'll get it", Thomas says smiling.

The brunette rushes over and picks up the phone, "hello?", he asks with a positive voice.

"Thomas?! Is that you?!", said the terrified voice on the other line.

"Stiles?!", Thomas said as his voice went from giddy to worry some.

"I need your help.. Please hurry", said the petrified twin.

"Where are you?".

"The bank vault.. Hurry!".

"Where the hell is that?!", Thomas almost yelled.

"Fucking hell just find it! I don't have time! I found another body! Hurry!", then suddenly the only sound coming out of the phone speaker was a dial tone.


"Tommy? What's wrong? Talk to me!", Newt demanded.

"That..that was Stiles", Thomas whimpered.

"Yeah I kinda figured that Tommy.. What the hell did he say?".

"He- he found another body..", Thomas said as if his happiness had been ripped out of him.

"Who? Who is it?", Newt as sympathetically yet seriously.

"I don't know but we have to go..".

"Tommy, we can't drive..".

"Well then we run.. I'm a runner remember? I'm kinda used to navigating and figuring things out".

The blonde sighed, "good bloody point you got there, alright.. Put on ya joggers Tommy and let's move", Newt smiled slightly as he rushed out the door.

"Newt, wait up!", Thomas yelled.

"What?! We are wasting daylight! C'mon", Newt said trying to run out the door once again but a strong, veiny, attractive hand was placed on his shoulder and spun him around only to plant a passionate, beautiful kiss on his lips.

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