Think about this instead

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The 4 boys piled into the old klunker Stiles called a jeep and jetted back to the vet clinic only to find it was a closed off crime scene.

"Sorry boys, no one is coming in or out of this building until we can figure out exactly what happened here", the deep, rustic, Californian voice of the Sheriff said with a heavy heart as he looked his torn apart son in the eyes.

"D-dad.. Y-you gotta let us in there.. Y-Y-You know Scott can figure this out faster than you guys can.. Wh-who did this to her.. P-please..", Stiles choked, the heart break tugging on the restraint of his emotional state.

"Son", the sheriff started with a heaping load of sympathy in his voice, "you know I can't do that.. I-I know how much Lydia meant to you, to all of us..", the sheriff was cut off by his son in distress.

"Clearly you don't!", Stiles screamed, "because if you really did know how I felt about her, you would know that I'm having more trouble than anyone around here trying to keep it together, trying to pretend I'm okay to live on without her when honestly I can't even find a will to live anymore dad!-", Stiles screeched and this time, he stopped himself from continuing to talk, knowing he had said something he would immediately regret.

The sheriff, Thomas, Newt and Scott couldn't do anything but stand there and stare at Stiles in complete shock.

No.. No no.. I-I can't lose my brother.. I already lost so many people.. He is honestly one of the last people I can lose before I lose it myself.., Thomas thought to himself before he began to let words flow freely from his soft, tender lips:

"Stiles.. Y-you can't give up..".

"Easy for you to say! You survived wicked' games for years because you didn't give up and now you are happy, living with your family and the love of your life and I'm here all alone! I lost the love of my life! You didn't! It's selfish to say that I shouldn't give up! If you were in my shoes.. I can guarantee you would feel the same way!"

"I know how you feel okay?!", Thomas loudly retorted, "remember? I almost lost him, I almost lost Newt..", Thomas stops to catch his breath and glances towards the timid blonde boy, "I almost lost the person I cherish most in this world, but I never gave up, because I knew that is something he would never want. I knew he would want me to carry on the same as before.. I know it's hard, but Stiles, you have to, you don't have a choice, because we need you, we all need you Stiles..", Thomas paused and he watched a tear escape through his twins pain ridden eyes.

Stiles began to sob. He went from anger to extreme anguish within a matter of seconds. He could barely see through the tears clouding his cornea. He felt embarrassed, scared, hopeless.. Like he should do something about what his brother just said to him, respond somehow, but he couldn't find the words, he could only get his body to do one thing other than cry: run.

"Stiles wait!", Thomas cried out as his devastated brother made a run for it.

"Stiles!!", Scott called out to the faded shadow of his best friend.

The sheriff turned around to the teenagers who were about to chase after Stiles with a stern look spread across his face like he meant business.

"You kids go back home. I don't want anyone chasing after Stiles right now alright?"

"But-", Thomas tried to plead.

"I mean it Thomas.. Go back to the house.. Let me do my job..".

Thomas could tell that the sheriff hurt for his son, that he wanted to help him more than anything, but so did he.

Suddenly, a soft, kind voice tore him away from his thoughts;

"C'mon Tommy.. We should listen, we should go back alright?"

How could Thomas argue with someone who asked him in such a genuine and sweet way?

"Okay.. Let's go then", Thomas muttered in response.

Scott walked with the couple to Stiles' jeep and drove the 2 boys home.


When they arrived at the Stilinski residence after a silent and almost heart and gut wrenching ride home, the 2 boys who used to belong to a maze, thanked Scott and said their goodbyes for the moment.

Scott gave out a quick wave, hopped on his dirt bike he had left there earlier, and drove off into the darkness of nightfall.

Thomas gave one last final sigh, closed the door and walked to the couch, collapsing for emotional exhaustion.

"You okay babe?", Newt asked hesitantly, as he already knew the answer was no.

"How could Stiles just run off like that? How could he blame me for having hope? How could he want to end his life like that?!", Thomas shouted in the form of a complaint to Newt and himself.

"Sometimes it's hard to have hope that everything is going to work out in the end", Newt sighed as if he knew from experience, which he did.

Thomas gave him a sympathetic look. He knew Newt had struggled in the past with the concept of life, trying to find a reason to keep on living; Thomas never knew much about what happened regarding Newt's suicide attempt in the maze, all he knew is that he tried to take his own life and now all that he wanted to do is help Newt move on from that emotionally scaring day. 

"I-I'm sorry Newt.. I-I understand this might be hard for you to talk about..", Thomas muttered sincerely.

"Then let's not talk or think about that Tommy", Newt sat next to him on the couch, rubbing his back, "let's just take our minds off everything but one another for the moment okay?".

"But with all that's going on with Lydia's death and Stiles and who the hell knows who we can even trust I-", the scatter brained brunette was cut off.

"Tommy.. Focus on me..".

"I am, you are apart of this too, we should talk about-", the brunette was cut off once again.

"Just don't think about it sweetie.. About any of the stress, the pain, just shut it out, just for the night, you owe yourself that much", Newt smiled, sliding closer to Thomas.

"What if something happens to Stiles..", Thomas almost interrupted, tripping over his words.

"Baby.. There's nothing you can do about it tonight, your dad's taking care of it.."

Thomas sighed as he excepted defeat. He knew there was nothing more he could do tonight; Newt was right, as usual.

Before Thomas could get a word out, the mysterious and damn good looking sandy blonde stood up and faced his boyfriend, ripping his shirt off from over his head and throwing it on the floor.

"Instead of thinking about what could go bad", Newt winked, raising an eyebrow and nodded his head down to address the fact that he was shirtless and his 6-pack of abs were vulnerable, "think about this instead".

"That'll definitely get my mind off of.. Of.. Wh-what were we talking about?", Thomas said with a straight face, not taking his eyes off of Newt for even a moment.

"The fact that I can help you lose your train of thought is quite flattering, but you might want to focus hard on what I'm about to do next..", the blonde grinned with adventure and mischief laced within the words he spoke.

A/N: thanks for 1.53K Reads that's amazing!!!!!!! And the next chapter is gunna be smutty AF!!!!!!

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