Whats the Plan?

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That night was long. Lydia stayed the whole night in Stiles's arms. They talked, they laughed, they cried, they kissed, they did everything they probably would have done over the past few months in one night.

Stiles laid beside his love, running his veiny hands through her smooth and silky hair, counting every breath she took and thanking God each time took one.

The couple were side by side, not losing sight of one another. Although they were relieved to be with one another again, they knew there was an elephant in the room that needed to be discussed sooner rather than later.

Lydia took charge and decided to bring it up.

"So, do you think you can keep this a secret? Do you think you can keep pretending like Scott and I are gone?", Lydia asked.

"I don't know Lyds, it feels wrong on so many levels".

"Stiles", Lydia started in, "this isn't about how wrong it feels for you, it's about protecting the people we love, that you love, that I love.. and if that means lying for another month or so about us being dead then that's what it's going to have to take.. if you can't do that then not only are you putting yourself in danger, but you are putting everyone you love in danger.. including me". Lydia stopped ranting, she knew she made her point by the look on Stiles's face, and she knew by that look that he was soon to come to terms with it.

"Fine", Stiles mumbled, "it's hard to say no to someone who argues so well", he smirked, "and someone with such beautiful eyes".

Lydia gave a proud little smile and then a really heart felt genuine one.

"Thank you, I know how hard this is for you to keep from everyone.. I'm really proud of the man you are becoming", she said lovingly with meaning.

Stiles leaned in and pecked her on the lips. Once he pulled away, it was like he had a whole new agenda.

"So now what?", he said as he suddenly changed his peaceful demeanour to a one of determination, " I mean everyone thinks you're dead and there's no bodies.. so.. what's the plan? We always have a plan", Stiles added on.

"You really want to talk about this now Stiles? I just came back, I missed you so much, can't this just wait until morning?".

"It is morning.. we've been up all night.. come on baby, what's your plan?", Stiles said in a way that was sweet yet direct.

"Okay..", Lydia began, "fake funerals".

"What?..", Stiles said very confused.

"Scott and I faked our deaths.. so in order for people not to ask questions about our bodies.. like where they went.. or how could they be there one second and not the next.. we need to fake our funerals".

"That's insane.. Lydia.. you.. you're absolutely crazy!", Stiles exclaimed, "can't we just tell everyone there wasn't enough of the body to recover so we made you guys into ashes?".

"No.. whoever is hunting us.. or was.. would suspect something.. we have to get everyone to believe that we are really gone so no one comes after us.. or anyone else that stands in their way, just trust me Stiles..".

"I'm finding it a little hard to do that right now", Stiles snipped back.

"I know.. just find it somewhere in that big heart of yours to trust me?, Please? Just-just try..".

"Okay.. I'll try.. just never do anything like that again..", Stiles smiled skittishly, trying to pretend he was more okay than he really was. 

Lydia lightly smiled and knew it would take a bit of time to earn some more of Stiles trust back but she knew that he would always be on her side and be there no matter what.

"Okay then", Lydia stated, "let's start putting this plan into action..".

"Alright boss. Where do we start?".

"Planning my funeral".


AUTHOURS NOTE: I'm soooo sorry it's been forever since I've written anything but I was really happy to see how many reads my story had when I came back after many months! You guys are awesome for reading this!

Thank you!

I want to write a little more but I can't promise when there will be a new chapter out, but hopefully you enjoyed this one!

UPDATE: Just started a new chapter! May take a couple of weeks or maybe a few days just depending! But honestly I wasn't on here for like a week or less and y'all gave me another 1000 reads and I can't freaking function so thank you all so much for being the best ever!!

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