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The 2 boys lay on the couch in a spoon position. Newt was swaddled in Thomas's arms, gently resting his weary head on his broad shoulder.

"Wow", Thomas huffed and puffed with a grin as he tried to catch his breath, sweat running down his smooth forehead and chiseled mid-body.

"I know..", Newt said, his breathing equally as choppy and as strained as Thomas's.

"You are really good at that..".

"I know..", the blonde snickered, still heaving the air in and out of his lungs.

Thomas couldn't do anything but smile and let out a small yet sincere snicker. He was just insanely happy. He finally could be himself around the boy of his dreams; he could finally be with him, but first: he had to ask.

"So..", the nervous brunette began, "what is this..?".

"What do you mean?", the British lad questioned.

"Newt.. What are we? What's going on here? With us?".

The blonde sat up, wiggling himself out of Thomas's embrace, looking to the ceiling, as if he was pondering the question.

"Well", Newt spoke with a nervous rhythm in his voice, "What do you want us to be?".

Thomas began to sit up, leaning against the back of the couch, running his left hand stressfully through his dark hair.

"I-I don't know..", the brunette uttered.

"I think you do", the blonde softly retorted, "but you're scared".

Those words struck Thomas right in the heart strings; he did know, he always knew what he wanted and yet, he was simply just petrified.

Thomas was extremely thankful that Newt continued so he wouldn't have to.

"Tommy, I'm scared, but this is our life now, this is who we are and there's no going back from here".

"We can only look to the future right?", the brunette questioned with a smile, as if he were referring to their conversation from the night before.

Newt returned the same grin like he knew exactly what the greenbean was talking about, "Exactly. So? What are we waiting for then Tommy? We gunna make this official or what?", Newt smiled even wider.

"I thought we kinda did that last night", Thomas joked.

"Oh shut it Tommy", the blonde snickered.

"Make me", the dark eyed boy shot back, raising his right brow.

"Gladly", the British boy giggled rushing towards his new boyfriend, pushing him down and instantly connecting their lips as a wave of passion took over them both.


Some time had passed. It must have been about an hour or two before the house phone started to ring.

"Damn it", Thomas sighed, un-connecting his lips from Newt's.


"You should probably get that".


"But Newt I-".


"Just bloody get it, it's driving me shuck crazy".


"Fine!", Thomas playfully yelled as he quickly jumped up and walked swiftly towards the phone, Newt examining his rear as he did so.

"Hello?", Thomas answered.

"Th-Thomas??", the voice on the other line asked shakily, sounding frightened.

"Who is this?". The brunettes voice grew concerned, causing Newt's attention to be brought to Thomas's worried voice.

"I-it's Scott, look I-I didn't know who else to call... I-I-I..".

"Woah Scott, calm down.. What's going on?! Are you okay?!".

"I-I-I don't know.. I just.. I-I-", the scared boy on the other line was suddenly cut off.

"Hey, it's okay.. Just tell me where you are.. Where's Stiles? He was with you?!".

It sounded like Scott was about to speak, but was cut off and an obnoxious and horrifying roar followed by a blood curdling scream that sounded all too familiar. "STILES!", the twin screeched. The sound sent terror, gut wrenching pain and worry through Thomas; he had no idea what was going on, but he knew he had a reason to be worried.

The phone lines ebbed and flowed and scratched in Thomas's eardrums as he listened to Scott repeat the same words.
"Stiles.. Stiles c'mon.. Wake up! Wake up please! You can't die on me too! Please! I'm sorry! STILES PLEASE! WAKE UP!".


"Scott! Tell me what the hell is happening", is the last thing the brunette said before the phone lines cut out.

Thomas took a quick seat as he suddenly felt vertigo rush over him. The panic feeling in his veins forced him to cup his chizzled hands to his face. He was trying to ward off the terror in his heart so he could comprehend what just happened.

'No, no he can't be dead.. He can't be hurt.. This can't he happening.. What was that thing? That growling? What hurt him? What the fuck is going on..?', was all Thomas could think before he let out a giant yell, picking up the phone and hurdling it across the room, causing Newt to jump out of his seat, startled.

"Tommy? What's going on?!", Newt asked with care, rushing towards him.

"It's stiles", the brunette sniffles while he looks up at his second half, trying to void the tears starting to fill his eyes, "I-I think he's dead".

A/N: This chapter is a lot shorter and kinda lame I'm sorry 😂 I've been super busy lately with school and with diplomas coming up and short plays, but the next chapters are gunna be more beacon hills based and such! Thanks for 420 (maze it) reads!!! I love you all!!!

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