History | A-Z Extra (2)

35 8 14

Words pool in the ink of my pen
They say that war can make monsters of men
But as can literacy do the same again
The ability to form an opinion and argue it
Is debatably the reason for every conflict
Philosophy is the true constant of war
Morality is what people are fighting for
Did you ever wonder why the victors are painted as right?
It's not just because they write the history of the fight
But because their beliefs become the future's light
Simply as a result of military might
All the things we hold most true
(Murder is wrong, sex is too)
Are simply the result of the winner's view
Who's to say stabbing someone isn't their due?
Societies standards are shaped as a whole
By the outcomes of wars in days of old
Which were perpetuated by opinions on which empires were sold
Written in words on a rusty old manuscript
The future of every living being was tipped


'Use your words, they're less destructive than war.'

Anyways, final day of the challenge! I can't tell you how difficult these past few days have been, but trust me it's been an uphill struggle.

I think I might end this book here and start a new one. It is the 80th part, which seems a fairly round number to end on.

So thank you all for sticking with me throughout all of this messy process of discovery where I pretended to be a poet to the best of my abilities.

I greatly appreciate your support, honestly words can't express. Especially when you all shared such lovely poetry with me in the comments and the like.

The success of this was insane, I never could have dreamed of reaching 6k on a book when I began, let alone that I wasn't even intending to share any poetry with this website until Everlydream persuaded me to bite the bullet, and I'm honestly so grateful that you told me to go for it all those months ago.

Big thanks go out to many others.

@sophabear and @the_same_me for your consistent support throughout everything

Secrets_NeverSeen for your wonderfully genuine comments

PencilAndRubber and @thetenthweasley for your relentless encouragement from the start

Puntrumpet for just generally always being awesome and kind.

And of course many others that I may not have interacted with so much. If there anything you'd like to discuss, now is the final chance! Thank you all so much for your silent or quieter support. It means the world.

It's been a hell of a journey, but thank you all.

Catch you later.

Alex xxx

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