I <3 U... & I

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They say let your heart dictate
Who you love and who you hate
Who you stay friends with and who you date
But forgive me for letting my head decide
And just taking my heart along for the ride

In the distance I hear the romantics sigh
In frustration as opportunity passes on by
Wondering aloud why

It's so easy for me to let fairy tales die
But my heart is the engine that drives the lie
While my brain holds the wheel that steers to the sky
I watch the ground with a bird's beady eye
And slip their sunset a suave goodbye

I do not want to lose my whole self
In the molten sky that burns all wealth
Should I walk into the sunset with a stranger in hand
And leave all my past to wash away with the sand?

What if I don't want all consuming love?
That washes all that I am away with the flood?
That drains away my very blood?
Can't I be myself and have someone as a plus?

The romantics say not, who would want me?
A girl who likes girls and fidgets in my seat
My condition's a curse that a man seeks to cure
But if he does so can I just slam the door?

A man who wants stillness, a line in the sand
Could not ever achieve to take my hand
Instead they'd fall short, getting only one middle finger
And a few sharp words reminding them not to linger

Take me as I am, or not at all
A little too loud and a little too small
But in spite of my flaws I swear to god I'll stand tall
Whether my heart likes you or no, my brain makes the call


Heya guys,

I hope this comes across fairly clear. Basically, never so much as consider dating anyone who wants you to change in order to be a match for them.

A romantic and/or sexual partner does not define you, the most they should achieve is to add to your existing personality.

They do not complete you, you are complete in and of yourself, but with them you can be two individuals that that work as a pair to redefine the world rather than yourself.

You are not one, you are two. And two is so much more.

I hope you all find the person that does not seek to be your other half, but your matching pair.

(To explain the title, it basically means I love you and I together, as a pair. As in, loving the other person and yourself for who you are together... At least that's what I was going for.)

As always, thanks for reading.

Alex xxx

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