Hand on Heart | Guest poetry 2

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This is a poem I received in the comments on the chapter "Stream of Consciousness" from the wonderful @Secrets_NeverSeen and it was so good I had to share it. Thank you so much to her, and to the rest of you: enjoy.

Rainbow butterflies
Dark orange molten skies
Oh, how time flies
Sitting in a broken car
Facing a rundown bar
Wishing I could run far
Can't stop the tears
Why do I have so many fears?
If only there were more years
Suffering the blame
And countless countless shame
These broken thoughts I cannot tame
Running rampant in my head
Alongside those words I never said
Weighing me down like lead
And so here I am
It's not the first time I ran
But now I think I can
Keep imagining rainbow butterflies
And dark orange molten skies
Maybe when I'm happy I'll witness how much time flies


Here was my responding poem for her:

You wring out my empty heart
To build up art
Starting's the hardest part
But fingers dig into muscles
Puncture skin
Rip out the still beating heart from within
Drops of blood splatter on paper so thin
That light shines right through it
And it looks like shit
But to some it holds meaning
To spray bloody words with feeling
Over walls and the ceiling
And the longer you drag out the pain
The faster blood pumps from severed veins
It's an unexplained biological fact
That blood will pool out of an empty crack
Trying to make up for what we lack
But that's just poetry at the start
Splitting the fibres of our muscles apart
Squeezing out an empty heart


I hope you all enjoyed those, and thanks again to the girl I mentioned above. Please go check out her account, and don't worry, I asked her permission before posting these.

Thank you all for reading, and I'm thinking of making "guest poetry" a regular-ish thing, so feel free the leave a poem in the comment section.

Alex xxx

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