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I have a pen that's razor sharp
An implement to write the world apart
That can somehow make sweetness bitterly tart
Yet someone my words always come back to you
The fairytale child that never flew
The one who held my beating heart
As I scrawled promises of death do us part
Weaving normalcy together like art
Although it's speared with razor sharp darts
Our love was nothing extraordinary
In fact it's just a simple story
Of two girls who thought five years meant eternity
But I'll write you still now our paths separate
Now the airy stories seem to deflate
We are what we are
And I need to somehow relate
What I did to an epic transcending fate
My actions to that of a storybook hero
To your fairytale dreams that ticked down to zero
But we were just normal
No matter how it's spun
We were two would-be heroes waiting until reality begun
Two kids who wanted their love to last
In a razor sharp world where fate is cast
We were melted down and made to not fit
And the world broke us apart, and yeah it was shit
But maybe that's just a sharper tale
Of childhood dreams destined to crack and fail
We simply thought our future wasn't written yet
But perhaps the past was all we would get
The sharp pieces of memory slipping through a net
Though still I write like it was fate that we met
Because maybe the future doesn't contain both us two
But you were the person who shaped how I grew
So even though we don't walk together
I carry your imprint through all kinds of weather
Through sun and through snow, through razor sharp rain
Through the savaging storms and the good sort of pain
Traces of your grace mark my flesh to remain


Xyresic means 'razor sharp' by the way.

Have a wonderful day you beautiful people!

Alex xxx

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