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I've got this brain I use to think
I've got this mind to produce shit
And although I'm not a writer I
Can pretend to be a poet
I dream a lot, I think a lot
And write you from a hurricane
Amongst the wind and gentle rain
Falling on the window pane
Again, I do apologise
For the blackest nights and greyest skies
I don't know how to put that right
But I'm learning how to compromise
I idolise the authors that
Have never touched your tongue
But I'll put aside the words and rhymes
For you to play another song
I won't be long, I'm writing quick
You'll call me and I'll wait for it
And store my poems for when it's shit
For when we think it's best to quit
And I admit I think you're crazy,
I think you're mad, I think you're great
You alleviate some pain and weight
And punctuate my lines and fate
And it goes like this, goes day by day
We're doing fine, we'll be okay
It's May and now it's been so long that
You know just what I want to say
Before I say it and it makes sense
I'm not a writer; I just pretend
But you're my night's end, and I don't depend
On anyone else in this way, my friend
I dream a lot, I think a lot
I write you when you need me to
And amongst the wind and gentle rain
I'll wait for you to write me too


Hi guys!

This was a poem I wrote for a very good friend of mine after an argument a few months ago. We basically only communicate in poems and songs, but a lot of them are very personal, so this is one of the less specific ones. If anyone else has ever written 'apology' poetry then I'd love for you to share it.

I've been wanting to publish a poetry book for a while now, and a new friend of mine Everlydream  persuaded me to go for it, so here we are. Shout out to her, and check out her poetry book.

I can't say how regularly I'll update, but I have a bunch of poems already written, so whenever I feel like sharing I guess.

Alex xxx

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