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Brevity is the soul of wit
But you need to add vowels to it
Worlds of bleeding powder
Red and blue
A purple darker than the midnight sky's hue

From time to time veins split open in silent screeches
You being gone and friends on beaches
Lakes in summer and lakes in frost
Without you are sure be lost

Sizzling orange and sapphire skies
Rich robes intended as a disguise
Fail to hide darkening eyes
Blue and green
Breaking waves with a white-tipped sheen

A rush of relief ahead of collapse
Then after sobbing, anger cracks
Smashing delicate castles climbing out of the sand
With all the force of a fearful hand

Curiosity killed the cat
And satisfaction brought it back
You're young, but you understand that
Cracking white
Striking lightning breaks up a fight

Glowing red and fierce gold
I'll always encourage you to be bold
But if you tell me where you're going first
I'll spare you the colourful outburst

We're paper planes and setting suns
I'm used to you following as I run
Oceans of lost power
Black and white
I'm older, but I'm not always right


So, anyone who knows me knows that my siblings are pretty much the most important thing to me in the world.

This poem was chosen by my brother as the one he wanted to go in here when I gave him the option, and it's basically just something I wrote after I lost him for twenty minutes on the beach.

Very quick poem, but if it's his favourite who am I to argue?

If anyone has ever written a poem about a sibling, feel free to post it in the comment section. I decided to post this after seeing a poem by @Ashes_Nicole so go check her out.

Thanks for reading,

Alex xxx

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