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I could write you out of existence
Within the vein of voracious persistence
And at my friends' vernacular insistence
I could take the path of the least resistance
But to highlight the troughs and obliterate the peaks
Or altering the data to be discrete
I would be drawing asymptotes of where you made me weak
Extrapolating your actions from a set incomplete
Taking an average with no repeats
That would be matching my words to an uneven beat
In order to tear you down accurately
I would have to see everything you can see
And that's the thing, I hold the key
But it fits no lock categorically
By definition it's an unanswerable plea
So how can I vilify the person you are
When I understand nothing of anything, bar
The fact that the two of us had come so far
Simply because we wished upon a star
And maybe that star had been dead for a million years
But perception is everything when it comes to our fears
Even though betrayal bubbles and sears
I know that things aren't always as they appear
So I'll hold the positive memories near
And never seek to paint you as the villain my dear


There are two sides to every story. You'll never get his, so it's only fair you never get mine either, which is why I will not elaborate much on this poem.

Just be aware that it wasn't one of romance or sex, simply friendship.

Somehow that seems worse.

However it is very much in the past, so dwelling doesn't do any good. It is simply a good subject to write about.

Alex xxx

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