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All too quickly nowadays
We're quick to burn and quick to raze
As opposed to resolving conflict in civilised ways
As if being educated is some kind of craze
Why not speak with civility
Because then you might find the ability
To actually help people see what you see
Kindness lends far more credibility
Rather than pushing others to the ground
And expecting them to find your opinions sound
Give them a helping hand to higher ground
Show your opponents what you've found
Rather than going in with all guns poised to evict
Creating unnecessary and aggressive conflict
Offer a few words and who could predict
They might change their tune far more quick


Haha, however true the message of this might be, it is truly shitty poetry. I'm deeply sorry, but I have nothing else to offer.

On the bright side, two days left!

Who's excited to see a good deal less of me!

Alex xxx

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