True or False

262 39 84

They say Van Gogh ate yellow paint,
That Jesus Christ was more than a saint.
A drop of holy grace survived the war,
And it wasn't a mistake or misdemeanour.

They say a mortal raised the sky,
When gods thought it better to die.
That Helen of Troy launched a thousands ships,
Just with a pout of her idle lips.

They say toast-crusts make your hair curly,
That Trojans celebrate too early.
They say that love is warmer than ice,
But that's the wishful thinking of "it would be nice."

They say Mjölnir was shattered by Hela,
They define universes with just the word stellar.
They say an atom can be split into three,
But that such an act destroys its integrity.

They say it's magic that makes miracles,
That one shouldn't cry over milk that's been spilled.
They say that Gauguin was an arrogant prick,
That Sleeping Beauty should lay still and not kick.

They say that a photo's a moment confined,
That in life not just movies we can hit rewind.
Alice ricocheted down a ravenous rabbit-hole,
Aim for the crossbar though that's not a goal.

They say insomnia makes you productive,
Alternatively, that it makes you destructive.
They say we exist beyond our brain,
That sometimes beauty isn't pain.

They say a father doesn't have to be blood,
That forty days of rain would mean a flood.
They say Saturn could halt time,
And that to be poetry it has to rhyme.

They say we have so many synonyms,
Because of beauty and not just whims.
They say a god led a child to slaughter,
That wealth means nothing if it can't buy water.

They saw a computer in a yellow dress,
And said it wasn't imagination but stress.
They say in the future things will be right,
But won't concede to reach that height.

They say a trophy's fairly won,
That humanity can harness the sun.
They say the glass reveals true fear,
Forgetting that you can only see and not hear.

They are confident that their word is fact,
Not once has that facade ever cracked.
They combine fact and fiction with that ability,
Which builds the foundations of solid reality.

They say we are real, and we believe them.
Society; a blooming flower cut at the stem.


I'm going to try and explain what I mean here. I think I know the point I'm trying to make, but I can't even put it into words.

Just that, well, people used to think the world was flat and that electrons were embedded in the nucleus of an atom, and maybe some of the assumptions we make now are the same.

Not sure if I achieved clarity there.

Anyway, what do you guys think is accepted as true too readily? What needs more rigorous proofs?

Which of the things I listed in the poem true in your mind?

Alex xxx

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