Memory rain

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The rain drums a rhythm on the windowpane
Drags us on a trip down memory lane
Do you remember the day we first met?
With clouds overhead and hair sopping wet
Mud splattering up running legs
You gave up your lunch to the person who begged
Puddles displaced by a speeding car
Breathless promises of "it's not far"
We were late for school.
Squeaky floors, water pools
I didn't care
But you wrung out wet hair
Fixed me with a deathly glare
Professed it a nightmare
You gave up your lunch, and I wanted to share
It only seemed fair
But I didn't have one,
I don't think you knew that
So you didn't like me
And I didn't care
And maybe our relationship would've ended there
Wet clothes and a dripping glare

Later I got a second chance
You took another glance
Rethought your angered stance
But somewhere in the past
There are two girls running fast
As rain rushes through street drains
And hammers rings into puddles
They don't know each other yet
Don't know how close they'll get
Don't know that they're living the story of "how they met"
Rain drums a rhythm on the windowpane
Drags us on a trip down memory lane
Where only the positive thoughts remain
Now that you like me
Now that I care
And for a second I swear
I see two girls outside
Racing side by side
Into their future


Hey guys, I know this poem mainly speaks for itself, so I'm struggling a bit with what to write here.

Yes, this is how my girlfriend and I met, and the 'second chance' I mentioned was when we got seated together in maths class.

I love writing memories probably more than anything else, because I'm a control freak and having the benefit of hindsight sets me at ease when doing something important.

Give me a poem! I need more to read.

Alex xxx

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