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My heaven is the ferns of frosted art that curl over an icy pane
It's the landscape that peeks out from whatever gaps remain
The rumbling of an engine that lulls you to a sleep
The weightlessness of a stomach when the world freezes in mid-leap

It's the steady heart that beats my chest like a drum
The somehow terrifying scent of fresh spearmint gum
It's the whirring of a coin spinning on a polished table top
The person who reminds me to sometimes just stop

If moments of my past were my afterlives end
There are many that I would seek to suspend
Starting with the first time I kissed
Fumbling hands and lips that missed

Maybe sucking up juice straight from an orange and a lemon sun
Searing heat down on a girl I barely knew, then run
To the old metal fountain across the way
Bubbling out lukewarm water as clear as the day

A childhood outing in a sun-soaked field of grass
Cat-cradle fingertips on a faceless mass
Dancing in the rain not romantic or slow
But leaping like deer leap when faced with deep snow

My heaven would be crumbling sea-salt fudge
The feeling of finally releasing a grudge
The the tingling feeling of skin that's too cold
The sun splitting through clouds as fiery and bold

As the pen that writes it is in motion
As white horses break on the line where the shore meets the ocean
It's the heaven that lights the darkness of minds
When the blackness of nights is pushed back by the blinds

It's the fact that these fragments are all paving stones
That path the way to a life of my own
While tiles of all different sizes and shapes
Lead everyone else in the journey they take


Basically a sequel to 'Somewhere Only We Know'.

So I won't seek to explain what it means again, hope y'all enjoyed.

Thanks for reading.

Alex xxx

Under My SofaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora