Poetry... Rant?

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Apparently I think too much
You say I don't leave enough to trust
And I get it, I do, but it's just
By accepting equations without their proof
Then claiming to know them and acting aloof
You're just being entitled
(Hell yeah I'm being spiteful)
I'm not at all sorry
Let's rethink this real quick
You claim that I'm being a stick
In the mud
But any sane person would pick
Being a sharp stick
Than you, muddy and thick
You're a teacher, great, and I grant you respect
Until you deem curiosity as a negative effect
Of a sharp mind
See I think you'll find
That if you'd asked some questions
Rather than staring at your reflection
You wouldn't have that look of confusion
At a simple suggestion about cold fusion
In fact maybe you wouldn't be a teacher at all
And could do as you clearly wish and exit the school
I get it, making others feel small
Makes you feel tall
But I refuse to play ball


It was this or listen to her explain that electrons are in the same formation as a dot and cross diagram.

I don't regret it.

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