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I have a sword, I have a bow
You taught me how to use them both
I have a steel shield
That you showed me how to wield
And I fight with the strength of a thousand men
Just like you trained me to
But you still lie still upon the sand
I'm clutching at your lifeless hand
I'm frozen, I can't breathe and
How was it not enough?
These mortal men aren't tough
They hide behind their metal guns
We're faster, stronger, better and yet
You still lie dead
The best among us
Felled by a shard of modern metal
Shot at a distance by a cowardly mortal
Your chest plate merely ornamental
If your sister's child hadn't felled you
Mere moments before
Then maybe you might have endured
Maybe your footfalls would have been more sure
But the blame lies not with her
It's the mortal men who should incur
My immortal wrath, but that would be a slur
Upon your honour as our leader
I will not break our sacred oath
But know that they have killed us both
I fear my heart no longer beats
The ichor has frozen in my veins
My muscles seize in a deeper pain
And my lungs are empty and thus will remain
You gave me a sword and you gave me a bow
You made me stronger with every blow
You taught me to always pick fight over flight
And you helped me to tell wrong from right
You taught me to love with all my might
Though this was always to be the end
You died as you wished, to defend
Our home
Where I'll now live alone
Among the hundreds of sisters in arms
But without you to keep me from harm
Without our love to keep me calm
Without you
I face an eternity trapped on this earth alone


***mild spoiler for Wonder Woman***

***spoiler for minor-ish character death***

This is based off the implied relationship between two Amazons, General Antiope and her second in command Menalippe, in the movie interpretation of Wonder Woman.

This moment struck me really hard, genuinely, the grief on all of their faces. I think it was the saddest part of the movie.

Anyone else notice this implied relationship? (I later looked it up and determined that the producers intended it to be taken as such).

Thanks for reading, and as always, please leave a poem in the comments.

Alex xxx

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