Little Puppets | Guest poetry 3

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Yep! Back again with more incredible poetry that has been left in the comment section of this very book. Seriously, you guys are amazing. Firstly, by @the_same_me from the chapter Stream of Consciousness:

Just a dreamer
A writer with no paper
A single drop
That never wants to stop
A broken clock
That always ticks
But never tocks
Just a child
That's never walked
To a city block
A silly cloud
That forms afar
A fool with bells that ring
While tugging at a string


My responding poem to her was:

I'm just putting down my roots
Trying not to overshoot
But it's not that easy
With the strain
Building bridges causes pain
People tell you don't grow up too fast
How long does that really last?
Youth is something quickly passed
No time to crawl,
You're coming last
Excitement and fun are quickly crushed
Under the vicious clambering rush
To reach the top, because you must
It's not too bad, it's just
They say don't grow up too fast
They say the past is in the past


Secondly, by Secrets_NeverSeen a slightly disturbing and really, really beautiful poem from the comments of the chapter Red Dress:

Dancing, dancing
Across your screen
So pretty that I'm in your dreams
Hush now, hush now
There's no nightmare
Worry not now, say your prayers
Like my outfit?
Made just for you
I think, someday you'll wear it too
Drenched with blood
Watch the crimson fall
As I'm dancing at your ball
Veins bled out
Red crusting brown
It's alright, still I won't frown
Dancing, dancing
Across your stage
Pay no attention, turn the page
Dress me in red
Slice me open and stitch me back
Replace those talents I seem to lack
Then make me dance
And make me smile
This future, it's yours, and you won't have to wait a while


That poem really hit me, because it captured the emotion that I had put into the chapter so perfectly it almost hurt. My response to her was this:

Grab my heart strings, go on, do
Work my jaw to make me chew
Slice up your words into dainty bits
I'll try to choke, but if the shoe fits
You'll cart me away to a place never seen
Where what you say isn't what you mean
Tug on the strings, take a chance
Teach me baby, how to dance
Stitched to my wrists
Stitched to my calves
Jab my stomach to force a laugh
Twitch your fingers and I'll bend in half
I'll be your puppet if you desire
Etch my ribs with hellfire
Grab my heart strings, go on, do
Loving's torment when it's with you


Thank you so much to these two people for letting me use their beautiful poetry for this segment, and anyone else is welcome to leave a poem for this purpose, or even if you don't want me to use it, feel free to still share in the comments.

Hope you all enjoyed these!

Alex xxx

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