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Amir's pov:
Amina came back home very happy, when i asked why she was over excited she said it was nothing, she just feel relieved and excited...She asked me to Bake chocolate mixed with Almond cake for her.
"Chocolate and Almond,Are you crazy? "


"You know you are allergic to Almost and you want me to bake Almond cake, U are super high"I adjusted my body on the bed and closed my face with the blanket.
Even though Chocolate and Almond cake is my best,I never bake it because of her, Whenever i crave for it,I go home and bake it,It is also Hanan's best, Whenever i bake it,We always eat it together.

"Haba sweetie pie,please"

"Definitely not baking any cake for you ma'am"

"Okay"She shouted and Bang, she left.
What has gone into her head, Such a psycho wife i've got.

I sat on the bed going through my phone when she returned with a cup of orange juice.

"You cried? "I asked because her face was pink.

"Emmm"She nodded like a baby.

"What made my little princess mad?"I pretended as if i don't know why she actually cried.

"Her king don't want to do what she asked for"

"Is that why she cried?"She nodded.

"Ohhh ohh, Bad king, He will definitely make it up for her with something else, Don't mind him"

"Please Amir, Please"She begged.

"must it be that flavour? Change it and i will bake it right away"

"No please, It must be"

"And why? "

"My students"

"Silly thing, That's what you supposed to say,i would have forgotten that i have even baked it"

"Thank you love"

"Promise you won't taste it"

"I promise"She nodded and i adjusted on my bed.

I called Mr. Anord and asked him to buy some ingredients as there was no remaining ingredients.

"Almonds"I concluded and gave him the money before he left.

It was already 6:35pm and the imam has called to prayer,Maghrib salah, I performed ablution and head out for masjid as the mosque was just some minutes walk from home.
Immediately after the prayer, I was the Magrib-isha type, I always wait for isha after maghrib but today i left after saying my zikr.

I salaamed and was meet with the scent of Turaren wuta, mixed with garlic flavour.

"AssalamuAlaikum"I salaamed again immediately i saw her.

"Aahhhh, har ka dawo, Ina saii after isha"

"I didn't know what brought me back kam"I smiled and plopped down the couch resting my head on its back.

"Ohhhhhh"Was all she said and climbed up.
I closed my eyes with the coldness of the AC penetrating through my skin

"Amir Mr. Anord ya dawo"She said and i opened my eyes.

"I hope he bought everything i asked him to buy?"I asked and sneezed.

"Alhamdulillah"She answered and i returned back.

"Sorry, Ehh I guess"She sat next to me, Close enough That we touch each others body.

I couldn't complete my sentence when i sneezed, I kept on sneezing and sneezing, One sneeze waiting for the other one to come out.

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