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" ويل لكل افاك اثيم"
" Woe to every sinful liar"

(2 years ago)

Aamina's pov:
Coming out from the supermarket,I saw a guy leaning on my car and I must admit he was good looking..I tiptoed slowly making sure my shoes didn't make any sound and stood at his back.

"Excuse me"I calmly tried getting his attention and he quickly turned.

"Hello"He smiled and I smiled back.

"Aamina right?"He asked and I was shocked..how did he know my name?

"Wrong person,Am Asmaah"I lied and looked at his legs making sure he was a human being...that leg was just perfect.

"Nice to meet you Asmaah dear"He smirked and I laughed...he agreed with me,that's good.

"So miss Asmaah as u say,I am Ahmad"I nodded and unlocked my car so he could move away from the door.

"We will meet again inshaAllah"He said nodding.

"Are u stalking me?"I raised my brows and he laughed,that deep laugher.

"Am not stalking u,I am loving u"he gave me that million dollars smile and walked away,I saw him unlock an E350 benz and hopped in,honked,waved and drove off.

At first I thought he was all those kind of guys that lie about owning something and I was ready to disgrace him by unlocking my car but much do I know he was a rich human.


Flash backs end.

"Yaya walida"Someone interrupted my story.

My name is Amina but called walida at home...they call me walida because I bear same name with dad's mom.

Walida means Mother.

"Na'am,waye ne (yes,who is that?)"I asked and stood up to open the door revelling Ahmad.

"What are u doing here tunda safe haka(early morning)?"I asked.

"Ha'an am I not allowed to come see my panda?"he asked and i widened the door for him to come in.

From that day on,I mean two years ago,Ahmad started following me all around as if he doesn't have work to do...I learnt his father was also rich,he was serving the country and he was an Engineer....that was how it went and now we were engaged and our date has been fixed,isn't that Amazing?.

"Ahmadidi i can't wait,Gobe interview dina(tomorrow is my interview) and why the suit on sunday?"I asked and he lay on my bed.

"Stop calling me Ahmadidi and I am here to interview you"He closed his eyes.

"No more Ahmadidi and no more panda"I smirked and he opened one of his eyes.

"Haba mana(Please now),That is ur pet name fa,only me can call that name panda"He smiled.

"And even Ahmadidi is a pet name you know"i sarcastically said and sat down opposite him.

"So miss are you ready for your interview?"He asked and I nodded tying my headtie.

"Okay good,lets get started"He brought out a pen and paper pretending as if he was writing.

"Why do you want my school to employ you?"he asked with straight face.

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