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Amir's pov :

It was a saturday when Amina woke feeling weak and kept on going to the the toilet to Throw up.

"Sannu"she nodded holding her stomach.

"Are you sure you don't need to see a doctor?"

"Emmmmm"She nodded.

"Amina let's go see the doctor, Please"

"I am okay Amir, I promise"

"What if...

"No, no, no I am not, Never"She giggled.

"Do you even...

"I know, I am not pregnant"She glared.


"Am on my periods Boss, Are you now okay?"she raised one brow clutching her stomach.

"Emmmm"i answered disappointed.

"Then leave me alone kafin na...ouch, Just go, I don't want to see your face"she half yelled.

"Gooooo"She screamed and I quickly left but not completely, I sat far away from her were she won't be able to see me.

I watched her for almost 30 minutes, I watched how she cried and tumbled on the floor clutching her tummy until she finally fell asleep.

I opened my eyes to the Azaan of zuhr prayer.I didn't even know how I slept off on the couch, I rubbed my eyes and stood up to perform ablution. Before going up completely i looked at the spot she slept but she was not there.

"What are you thinking of? "She snapped behind me.

"Hey, How are y.....

"As you can see i am doing Fine and good"She rolled her eyes.

"And i am in pain"i pointed at my neck.

"Didn't i tell you not to look at me, I told you to go away but you refused instead you sat far away looking at me like a lost puppy, Allah ya kara, good for you"She stuck out her tongue out like a little kid.

"How you cried with just period pain, I wonder if u can be in labour"

"Are u saying just, Gaskiya You are lost and for your information i am never getting pr.....Kaii just go and pray"

"Complete your sentence"

"I told you to go and pray"She lightly pushed me and hurriedly left.

"I will get back to you"i yelled making her giggle.

"Naughty someone"i smiled and hurried up to perform ablution, after performing,i went straight to the mosque without letting her speak to me, I will have to punish her.Immediately i was done with my prayers, I head back home because i was already missing her.i entered the house without saying my salam loudly and there she was standing behind the door waiting for me and as usual to scare me.

I turned and seriously glared at her.

"Look, I am sorry"i ignored her and started going up to no where in particular.

"I told you i am sorry"

"Amir i am sorry"she grabbed my arm.

"Let go of me"i gently slipped her hands from mine.

It's good that I am getting this little thing to desperately beg me.Hehhh

"Amir I said I am sorry"she pleaded with puppy eyes.

"Ok fine, go to h.........
I quickly turned and She stopped

"Who is joking with you here?"I half yelled making her eyes go wide like a saucer.

"You better mind the words you use"i glared and went up to her room.i know she will follow me .i layed on her bed perceiving her scent when the door flung open revelling crying Amina.she was so into sobbing that she didn't notice i was in the room.

"Stop crying, shhhh"She speak to her self still sobbing, I wonder how she easily cry, its been ages since I cried thou.

"But i can't help it"she sobbed harder.

"Please Mrs, You are disturbing my peaceful stay here"i smirked and she jacked her self back.

"I am sorry"She silently whispered and I whispered back a "Whatever"before she left.

After some minutes she came back and I watched as she gently packed her things in a small travelling bag, stick a paper on her wardrobe and was about to leave when i cleared my throat.

"You are going home? safe journey"she turned and damn, Her eyes were red and swollen.

"Oh my God, Cry baby, what happened to your beautiful eyes?"I stood up and went near her.

"You cried? Why?"She stared at me in disbelieve with her eyes full of tears.

"I got ya, You easily cry and I dislike that"I sincerely say.

"Amir you scared me"

"And everytime we fight, you are always packing your things, I hate that"

The door bell rang interrupting our conversation.

"Anyway, I love you"i pecked her cheek and left for the door smirking.

"I will get back on you"she yelled.

"You can never make m......
I opened the door smiling but my smile dropped.

"What do you want?"

"After ages, you are asking me this"

"Why are you. ..

"Will you allow me and my pregnant wife come in or not?"he cut me off and i widely opened the door for them to come in.

"Amir"His wife smiled and we both exchanged greetings, After all she wasn't the cause Maybe.

"Have a sit"i pointed at a couch and they both sat down, I sat across them and we were both exchanging daggers.i just want to murder him with my bare hands.

"Amir what are you still doing downstairs?  I am dying"Amina playfully cried.

"Where are.....Ohh my, U didn't inform me about the guest"She surprisingly said.

"AssalamuAlaikum"she smiled and they all exchanged greetings.

She stood up and left, Minutes later she returned with  a tray of drinksand snacks.

"Have some"she smiled and he sweetly smiled back, is he crazy?How dare he?

"Errr can we go up, Maybe we should leave them both"His wife spoke for the first time.

"Its Amina, yeah, we can"Amina smiled and stood up before they both left.

We stayed there in silence and he was comfortably munching on his snacks as if i wasn't existing in the sitting room and as if nothing has happened.

"If you are done, take your wife and leave"i stood up and started to leave for my room when he grabbed my arm.

Turning around with anger I yelled "Son of a bitch"And punched him making him almost lose his balance but............I caught him.i couldn't help the love and pain.

Who is this guy???

Love muslimah ♥ ♥

(Not edited).

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