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Amina's pov:


I shook my head and we all stood up and head out of the sitting room.

"We have been here since fa"She pouted.

"Sorry, We didn't hear you guys"Amir smiled.
He even have her time, Afterall she wasn't the only person, Imran, Sabrina,Ammar and ihsan were with her and she was the only complainer.

"Echan"Amir called and picked up ihsan.

"Ya Ammi kake"She greeted and pecked his cheek.

"Am fine Baby, How about you?"

"Goody"she jumped on his arms.

We all exchanged greetings and went up to My dinning Area.

"Its like i have meet you somewhere"Walid pointed at Imran trying to remember.

"Yeah but I cant remember where but I clearly remember your face"

"Yeah, Yeah, its in Egypt,Na tuna"

"Egypt?"I interrupted and He nodded.
Egypt?  What took them to Egypt, Dubai to Egypt.

"Yeah its in Egypt"Imran smiled looking at me.

"Where is your twin sister?"He asked and that hit me, Where is she?

"Where is she?"I asked.

"She is on her way"he nodded.

"AssalamuAlaikum"Lamin announced his presence with a smile.

"Waalaikumussalam"we all answered.

"Sabrina Ya kk?"I asked.

"Lafiya lau Yaya Walida Alhamdulillah"

"Amir do you remember her?"walid asked pointing at sabrina and he slightly shook his head not sure about his response.

"Alsclem,chakulet, Salabino"lamin  said and they both laughed including sabrina.

"Salabino you are all grown up, sorry I didn't recognised you"

"Its okay yaya Amir, I recognised you the first time I saw you"she sweetly smiled.

"Waii what happened to Ilham ne?"I whispered to imran as I was sitting next to him.

"Bata yi wanka ba, So we left her amma she promised to come"he whispered back and I nodded.

"Ammar yadaii?"Amir asked and he smiled.

"Yan maganan basu kusa"I teased and he just gave a fake smile.Not the usual Ammar i know but he can be shy at times mostly in front of Strangers.

"Hello!!!!"Hanan announced her presence.

"Emmm here, sorry am....
She stopped when she looked at imran.Amir cleared his voice and she quickly shifted her gaze and greeted everyone.

"Yaya walid, Yaushe kazo, its been a while"

"Wallahi, Ya kike? Where is Aara?"

"Lafiya klau, Aara Is at home"

"Bamuyi dake zaki dawo min da ita yau ba?"Amir asked.

"Haba yaya Amir, She always keep me company"

"What about me"

"Yaya Amina is always there"she glared at him and we all laughed.

"Lamin do....
Amir started but was interrupted by Lamin's phone.

"Excuse me"He smiled and left to answer his call.
Immediately he left, Ilham hurriedly came in.

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