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هُوَ الَّذِىٓ أَنْزَلَ السَّكِينَةَ فِى قُلُوبِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ لِيَزْدَادُوٓا إِيمٰنًا مَّعَ إِيمٰنِهِمْ ۗ وَلِلَّهِ جُنُودُ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالْأَرْضِ ۚ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ عَلِيمًا حَكِيمًا
"It is He who sent down tranquillity into the hearts of the believers that they would increase in faith along with their [present] faith. And to Allah belong the soldiers of the heavens and the earth, and ever is Allah Knowing and Wise."

Amir's pov:

"Amir wannan yar da ta saka long hijab and i guess she was wearing purple beneath,what is her name?"Lamin asked.

"Subhanallah lamin,You said long hijab and now you are saying she wore purple,how did you know?"

"Haan,i saw it mana"


"Errr,when she like err....kaii what is your own,just tell me her name"

"Do i know the one u are talking about,The three of them were wearing long hijab"I hissed because he has been disturbing me about Amina's sibling whom i don't even know her name.

"The girl that look around 18 or 19,The one with navy blue hijab"

"Ohh that one,I have never seen her in the house thou,i guess she is Her sister"

"She is,She is a twin sister to Imran"

"How do you know?"

"i just knew"

"Shut up,u know nothing"

"zan shiga fa,I want her"

"Are you crazy,i haven't even gotten the elder sister yet"

"Me daii am entering"He turned his head and i turned left.

We were on our way back home from their House when he was just blabbering nonsense about her.

"Lover boy we are here"I snapped as i drove into the driveway.

"Ciwon so ya kamani"He placed his left hand on his chest and closed his eyes.

"Kai,Out"I yelled right into him left ear making him wince.

"Amir na Amina"He pushed me and ran out.
This guy,so troublesome....He is the best cousin on earth,The best human on earth but He act like a kid,He isn't my best friend but he is my best cousin.
I was about to open my car when my phone which was in my front kaftan shirt vibrated.Taking the phone out,It showed a massage from an unknown number,Opening the massage my jaw dropped and to say i was shocked was an understatement.

I finished reading the text massage with a heavy heart,The massage was from Amina,I was surprised,shocked and hurt.....Does she really hate me this much,does she really don't want to get married to me?

I opened my car and limb to the main door,my legs couldn't carry my body,i was feeling ill and broken.

"Yaya Amiiiiiirrrrr"Hanan yelled and i raised my head,I didn't even know i was already at the doorstep.

"Yaya Amir,What happened,your eyes are red"She tried touching me but i pushed her.

"Hanan,What are you doing at home,Me yasa biki je islamiya ba?"I yelled.
Why am i behaving this way,i can't help it.

"Yaya Am...

"Rufemin bikin ki,Go get ready and move to islamiya"

"Yaya Ami....

"Didn't you hear what i said,Are you stupid?"I yelled and tried hitting her but someone held my hand.

"Amir ah ah,Ahh ahh Amir"It was lamin.

"Let go of my wrist and you,You should move to islamiya before i come back down"I pushed him and jogged to my room.
Only Aara will make me happy right now,I thought and yelled her name..In no minutes,She ran to me and we both cuddled into each other.

Amina's pov:
"No no no,don't do this to me"i yelled talking to myself,My mind has been making me feel bad after sending him the massage but i won't allow my heart to let me pity him even once,Never,i am never pitying him.....I hate him,His name,His personality and everything that has to do with him,I am never going to love him,If it even takes to kill,I will commit murder,I will practice killing people silently with him,he doesn't deserve my love,I will make sure he regret marrying me.

I was looking at the car keys,the gold necklace and the check his family brought and i couldn't help than to wipe,with tears rolling down my cheek,I couldn't stop thinking of him,His name,his smile,his voice and everything that has to do with Him...i missed him,If only i could see him just once,i will be the most happiest person in the world,i want to tell him i love him,i wish i can die with him but no Allah has another plan,with every breath i take i remember him,every step i take i feel closer to him,Imissed him......I will be stuck with this so called Amir next month,why me,why?????

I was about to climb down my bed when my phone vibrated,I quickly cleaned my tears to see who it was and the phone flashed again...it showed two new massages,One from Yaya Haidar and the other one from MR.SHOWOFF,A massage from Amir,what does he want again? I thought and clicked on his massage first.

And the massage reads

AssalamuAlaiki Amina.
I didn't know what my family brought will make you think bad about me,I swear Amina i have no intentions on buying you with my wealth,I know i am wealthy but there are thousands of things my wealth can't buy....i'am sorry if i ever hurt you,On my knees Amina,begging for your forgiveness.I love you with all my heart and that's just what i need from you,Amina if u get to know me,you will know exactly who i am,Just a useless being created from clay nothing more...Be a good wife Amina,Be my good wife,Be the mother of my children Amina....I really don't know why u passionately hate me this much but please u am begging on my knees,my head down for you to tmtake dat hate back...If you don't want me,I will do anything for you,if cancelling the wedding is what you want,i will do that Amina,I will do it just for you.JazakillahKhair for wasting your precious time on reading this.Fiamanillah,Exactly one month to.
                                                 Amir Muhammad.

I finished reading the massage with tears but his words won't deceive me,I am never loving you Mr.man,just know that....what caught my eyes the most and gave a spang to my heart is the last sentence,EXACTLY ONE MONTH TO,Is he counting down?....i wish i can punch him right now,i wish i can get ride of him but no,i have to make my parents happy...Family over everything right?...But what about my happiness?


Its been three years ryt?....So how are you all doing?

Sorry for d late update ehnnnn,I lobe alll of u fa.

Soo,what do you think?.....will the wedding ceremony take place,will Amina agree to get married to Amir?

Who want them to get married?

Love muslimah❤❤

       (not edited)

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