~ Chapter 32 ~

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He reached out and slowly caressed the hair over his sheet. She turned in her sleep suddenly, scaring Ryoma a little but now he could see her face.

He studied her featured, glossing about the tiny details. The way her mouth twitches as if to break out in a smile, the way she wiggles her ears to show discomfort. Her pretty nose that just sits on her pretty face. His eyes wandered on to her lips. Voluptuous lips that fit the ideals. Before he realized what he was doing he already leant over and put his lips against hers...

It took him a few seconds to finally realize what he had done. He kissed Ren. Why?

Multiple thoughts flashed in his head as the memory of the warmth of her lips came back to haunt him.

Could he possibly like Ren? This wasn't good for him.

He could just imagine Ren's face if she ever found out. Endless humility. She would laugh at him for the rest of his life.

There was no possibility that Ren would like him back. He was pretty sure Ren thought of him as a dear best friend. He wasn't ready for rejection.

He heard a muffled noise coming from his head and realized that Ren was finally waking up. He dashed to the toilet and locked himself there.

He caught sight of his reflection and he was baffled. He was bright red. Just from imagining her would get his heart thumping. How would he act around her now?

* * * * * * * * * * *

Ren sits up and stays still for a few minutes. She was sure someone was in the room with her just a few minutes ago. Ignoring it, she quickly gets up and sees Ryoma's things set on the ground. She set off on her journey to find him.

"Ryoma!" She yells as she skips around the house.

She soon finds a very flustered Ryoma coming out of the toilet. She dashes over and gives him a tight hug.

Ryoma, still remembering the incident, blushes really hard as he starts to over think. When he realized something was wrong, he quickly sets his arms around her in a tight embrace.

"You okay?" He says setting his chin comfortably on her head.

He feels Ren nod against his chest and he let out a slight sigh.

"You obviously ain't if you're hugging me this tightly." He rolls his eyes.

As he tries to tug away from her, Ren pulls him even closer to her. After several attempts, he gave up and went back to embracing her tightly.

"Please don't leave me."

Ryoma ruffles her hair and chuckles.

"I couldn't no matter how much I tried."

He felt Ren smile against his chest and the weight was lifted off him as Ren takes herself off. The two missed each others heat yet couldn't bring themselves together because of the tension.

"Ren... since when did you have freckles?" Ryoma tries to break the tension by asking a random question.

"My freckles ain't that dominant. You have to be pretty close to see them." She chuckles at Ryoma's astonished face at finding out something new about her after their many years together.

"You look really pretty with them." He blushes a second too late as he realized what he just said.

"You mean to say I don't look pretty without them?" Ren arched her eyebrow and laughed at the red potato.

"Ease up, Ryoma. Let's go bother uncle since I'm really bored." A bright smile fills her face as she remembered her other entertainment.

To be truthfully honest... I only updated today because I wanted to show y'all the new cover 🤗.

I found an app that would lemme make an avatar so ☺ I obviously made one of Ren

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I found an app that would lemme make an avatar so ☺ I obviously made one of Ren. I'm going to try recreate all the photos I have.

Basically I'm gonna make the avatar version of all the seigaku members. I'm probably gonna quit in the middle but meh 😂😂

love y'all💖

make sure to comment and like this chapter😘 I'll be back to update soon 🙈

last note: please check out my other book 😂 it contains one shots with different anime characters 🤗 I'm desperate lmfao

love y'all 💖

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