~ Chapter 20 P2 ~

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Third Person:

When the game started against Hyötei Ren opened her notebook up writing notes about their players. The rhythm of the pen matching up the with the rhythm of the song she was listening to.

Ren's POV:

My eyes met with my brother's. I knew he knew what I was doing but didn't bother stopping me. It just shows how confident he really feels about this match.

"Seigaku... FIGHT-O!" I shouted out from the top of my lungs making the freshman and second-years shout back in response.

"Come on guys. They might have more people in their cheering squad but we have more courage to win. So we have to beat them in tennis and in cheering." I tell them.

"Hai but Asuka... What were you writing down in that book?' Káchiro asks.

"I was writing down the weaknesses of the players in Hyötei." I answer back.

"How are you able to do that?"

"By watching them play, obviously. While you guys were watching Seigaku win against Yamabuki High I was watching Hyötei's game." I explained to them.

"Then why did you only just write it in now."

"I left my notebook here and I just needed to watch them play anyway."

"You're as good as Echizen, aren't you Asuka?" Hõrio states.

"Me? As good as Ryo? No way! I'm like miles bet-"

"Ren. Shut up the game is starting with the sempai's." Ryo says.

"Ah, Ren! Don't you need to give the notebook to the sempai's."

"Nope! Do you think they'll be happy with my help?" I say.

"Ren. There's a sempai who wants to see it." They whisper.

I turn around to see Inui (sempai). He looked liked he was just staring in my direction with a hungry glint. I kinda want to give it but I kinda don't want to...

I approached him slowly notebook in one hand. As I got closer to him it seems his hunger for the book got more worse than it already was.

"Ren. What are you doing here?" Fuji asks.

"To show Inui my notes." I say while looking at him.

I approached him and handed my notebook. He flicked through it quickly trying to check the facts

"Which page is it?" He ask.

"I think I'm getting to the last pages of that so Hyötei players should be at the end?"

"Can I read all of it?"

"Take your time but don't read the first six pages. Those are private."

"Really?! Whose are they?"

"They have Echizen Nanjiroh's, Ryo's and my weaknesses written down."

"Eichizen's weakness... By the way why did you write your weakness down?"

"Simple. So I can keep improving."

"Guys. I don't think this is he time for both of you to talk. Momo still hasn't come back from visiting oishi." Fuji states.

"Speak of the devil."

"It seems Momo's going to have to play in Oishi's place since he injured his wrist."

I looked at Eiji to see his face change from worry to doubt. I make my way to him.

"It's okay, Eiji. Keep your cool and beat them. Good luck."

He chose to not answer me and started to make his way to the court.

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