~ Chapter 12 ~

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Ren's POV:

"Old hag, I'm here!"

"Let's go then." She says.

"Anyhow I heard about the match-"

"You're not stopping it." I cut her off before she could finish.

"No I'm not. I'm just asking if you want the tennis courts downstairs. I can agree to it since the boys will be able to learn from it."

"Oh so that's your plan. Anyway I want you to tell your grandaughter 'I like the number 3'." I tell her with a smirk.

"Number 3?"

"Just tell her. You'll get it later."


Sakuno's POV:

Number 3, huh.

Wonder what that means.

Does it mean I'm going to somehow lose to her 3 times?

No way. That's impossible but if she used to live with Ryoma-san then doesn't that mean that she has to be good in tennis somehow?

I can't wait until the Tokyo Premilinary is over. The amtch between me and her ... The results are going to be quite  obvious and she's gonna have the biggest shock of her life.

I giggled at the thought her embarrased and shocked face. After that Ryoma-san will like me more.

Ren's POV:

It's too long. I wonder if I can cancel it down to 6 more days. I know I'm not the only one who wants to do this early; the first-year students and some secon-years, the boy's tennis club members.

You might wonder why I said the tennis club but I mean if the coach suddenly said that the court was going to be used by 2 female players who wouldn't be curious?

"Ah! Ren, are you going to my match tomorrow? It's finally tomorrow. I hope you'll be there to watch me beat their little asses." Ryoma confidently said with his signature smirk.

"Little asses? Are you checking them out!?"

"No! That's not what I meant. Anyway, are you coming?"

"Yep, of course! I want to see what type of players Japan has."

He smirks.

"Last one to our house is the worst tennis player ever!" He shouted out randomly.

"Uso! You started before me. Cheat~" I yelled out playfully

"Who cares? I'm gonna ace this."

We ran though the door panting.

"I was first!" We both said at the same time.

"NO WAY! It was me!"

"NO! ME!"



"What's wrong Ryoma-kun, Ren-chan? Did something happen?" Nanako came in asking.

"Nah. It's okay. I'm not THAT immature to argue about who won or not." I say while giving Ryo some sneaky glances.

"Oy, Ren! Are you trying to call ME immature?"

Unfortunately for him, I didn't answer since I was already running up into my room getting ready to go to bed.


Yours truly,


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