~ Chapter 14 ~

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No one's POV:

"5 games to 2!"

'One more game. Come on Ren! You could do it.' Ren says to herself as Fuji announed the score.

'Impossible! Even I suffered a bit against Ryoma,' Fuji thinks.

'Is this her true potential? Or is it much nore fearsome than it is now?" He continues.

A fast serve went past him to Ren but she returned it in the blink of an eye.




Ryoma's serves were all being returned to him by Ren.

"Asuka Ren wins!"

Fuji's POV:

Now I understand why the coach wanted her to be manager. She's not just any simple manager; she can help all of us develope and grow much more stronger.

"Ryo, are you still upset that I beat you?"

I look to my rigt side to see Ren trying to comfort a sulking boy.

"Ren, what are you planning to do with those two girls?" I asked her.

She looks up in suprise.

"What am I planning to do? Nothing. Unfortunately I am not a sadist who enjoys anyone's pain. I choose very carefully."

"Then that means-" She cut me off.

"No. Lucky for them, they are not on my list. Weaklings who think that they are big. Using other people's name to make them famous. I'll beat them but don't you worry since I won't try that hard." She gave me a smile. Another fake smile.

"Ren! We're here!" Ryoma calls out to her.

Ren's POV:

All the things to Fuji-sempai...

I wonder what made me say them. I grabbed my racket and walked to the tennis courts.
It was decided that I will serve first since they wanted to give me a handicap for not having a partner.

"You better be ready to lose." Tomoka says.

"We're going to beat you through tennis." Sakuno continues.

The crowd of boys and girls were now talking amongst themselves.

"Isn't she obviously gonna lose?"

"This game is, like, so unfair."

I gave them a regular shot which Tomoka returns.

I let it slide pass me acting like I missed it.


I aimed for the net making it bounce back to me.


Ryoma's POV:

Seing her act like this. I wonder what she's planning. I walked off.

"Echizen, aren't you going to watch this until it's finished?" Momo-sempai says as I pass by him.

"No. This game was already decided from the very beginning it started. Neh, Fuji-sempai?"

I quickly walked off in a rush to stop them from asking questions.


Rin goes out~

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