~ Chapter 9 ~

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Italics/UnderLine = English


Ren's POV:
I'm, like, super bored.




"Oy, are you listening to me?" 

Who the hell was that?

"Hey, you better listen because this will be the most important thing that'll happen in your life."

"Huh? What's this most 'important thing' that'll happen in my life?" I asked the vexatious brunette in front of me. Vexatious brunette AKA Tomoka Osakada.

"Well, you better listen well."

Tomoka's POV:
I got her hooked.

"In a month after Seigaku's match with St. Rudolph. You and I are gonna have a match."

"A match? Interesting. What sport?" She says with fascination.

"What sport?! Are you seriously asking me that question? It's obviously gonna be Tennis."

"Are you sure? I don't think I'll be able to-" She says but I cut her off.

"Yup! Super sure. By the way, this is a doubles match. Me and Sakuno vs You and your partner.

"Partner? What if I don't have one?"

"Well then, it seems we'll have to play 2 vs 1."

"2 vs 1... Okay!"
I leaned towards her ear and whispered:

"Even Ryoma-sama says we're good."

Ren's POV:
'Even Ryoma-sama says we're good.'

'Ryoma-sama says'

Before I realized it I was already outside Ryo's house.

"Tadaima!" I shouted out before going into my bedroom.

I can't believe it. Ryo actually said that those girls were good. But then again, they might be lying. Problem is I'm too embarrassed to ask Ryo about that.

"Ren! It's time to eat." Nanako's voice rang out.



Ryoma's POV:
"Ryoma! You need to wait until everyone's at the table." Ren said.
She actually called me Ryoma. I wonder what's wrong with her.

Is she that upset because I started eating without her?

"What's wrong-"

"Nothing!" She said it almost too quickly.

Her face was kinda scary as well but I brushed it off. Well, I tried to.

"Gochosama." (A/N: Was that how you spelled it?)

Wow! Did she already finish her food?

I glanced at her plate to see she barely touched a thing.

Was she really that upset about me eating without waiting for her?

"Night night."

"Yeah, night. Wait, night? You're sleeping already?!"

"Yup. By the way, can you show me where the tennis courts are in school?" She asked.

"Why not?."


Yours truly,


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