~ Chapter 31 ~

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The longed for encounter. Something she feared. She overcomes it in a few seconds yet she spent years fearing it. She quietly snorts at how it stupid it sounded but she wasn't exactly complaining.

Everything happens for a good reason. Her wanting to prove that she wasn't what her family thought she could achieve helped her develop. They were the catalyst to letting her become a star. A star that they now sought after. To either capture and put on decoration or to manipulate to get what they want.

After the long journey home, she gave a quick goodbye to Keigo and ran to Ryoma's room. She didn't know why she went there but her heart was telling her it would help her somehow.

She went in only to be filled with disappointment. He wasn't here. Yet for some reason his room being filled with his scent was enough to calm her down.

She saw Karupin lying on his bed and she followed his example. Ryoma's scent surrounded her and she felt bliss. She realize why Karupin is always in Ryoma's room.

Ren's POV:
His room smelt so nice and weirdly calming. I laid on his bed thinking about what happened today. I finally met him yet I don't feel any different. I was expecting to feel triumph or sadness when I faced him yet I felt nothing. Maybe it just hasn't hit me yet.

The slow purring of Karupin reminded me of where I was. Ryoma's room. But why? All I remember was that something was telling me to run up to Ryoma and hug him with everything I've got. Why did it have to be specifically Ryoma? Questions started piling up in my head and before I knew it; sleep took over me.

Whilst Ren was enjoying her sleep, Ryoma arrived and was ready to jump on his bed when he noticed a bulge. He managed to stop himself in time and he cautiously approached the sleeping bulge. As he came closer and closer, he noticed long black hair was sticking out and he put two together and realised it was Ren. He watched her push her face closer to Karupin and let out a small, tiny laugh.

He sat down in his chair and watched Ren. Her rhythmic breathing was calming. It was as if she was whispering for him to sleep along with her.

Staring at her for a long time made him think of things he normally wouldn't have. She looked cute and vulnerable in his bed. Her composed breathing calling out to him. He slowly walked over to her, looming over her with a blank look.

He reached out and slowly caressed the hair over his sheet. She turned in her sleep suddenly, scaring Ryoma a little but now he could see her face.

He studied her features, glossing about the tiny details. The way her mouth twitches as if to break out in a smile, the way she wiggles her ears to show discomfort. Her pretty nose that just sits on her pretty face. His eyes wandered on to her lips. Voluptuous lips that fit the ideals. Before he realized what he was doing he already leant over and put his lips against hers...

If two chapters in one day can somehow help you forgive me 😭 thanks for supporting this book and the readers who still stuck with me 💗

i love y'all and if it wouldn't be too much to ask please vote and comment what you think I should do 😍

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