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Time Skip, two months

Winter arrived once again, quite quickly Jisoo thinks as he wraps a fleece blanket around his body for warmth, his lips curl into a smile when he realizes how soon his baby will be born.

Two more months.

Just two more months and his baby will be in his arms, hopefully his last baby too.

Jisoo walked around the quiet, empty house. Seokmin is at work, recruiting and interviewing possible trainees meanwhile his kids were at school, all ten of them, including his youngest two.

He shook his head remembering how Hansol refused to leave his side while Seungkwan tugged on his hand when he had dropped the two off to kindergarten.

The youngest had mumbled something about never forgiving him for this abandonment only to run back into his arms and forgave him when Jisoo shook a plastic container of apple slices.

Jisoo shook his head at the memory and began to make his way downstairs, it was half past eleven and his stomach was growling, baby Lee is such a hungry baby, Jisoo thinks as he padded his way through the kitchen, opening up the pantry in search of bread.

He had a craving for a toast with strawberry jam and side of pickled radishes with grapes. Normally, he'd vomit at the thought of combing the three for a snack in the morning, but the baby wants what the baby wants.

There wasn't much to do in the house, he hummed to himself as he munched on his toast, there really wasn't much he could do.

On days like this, he's spend his time doing some laundry, or cleaning up around the place.

But completing those chores of his would be a difficult task with his bump in them. He couldn't really do laundry as the laundry room was downstairs which meant he'd have to carry the laundry baskets from upstairs to downstairs in the basement.

And Seokmin had placed a lifting ban on him,  he wasn't to lift a thing, not even sweet little Hansol, not matter how much his youngest pouted and jutted his lips.

So Jisoo sat on the sofa and turned the tv on, some melodrama began to play on the screen.

It was later in the afternoon, Jisoo found himself laid down on his on the couch, his legs now now propped onto what he sees is a sleeping Seokmin's lap. The younger must've came home not too long ago when he had fallen asleep.

He sat up, reaching over and gently grazing his fingers against his sleeping husband's face, it seemed that Seokmin wasn't too deep into sleep as his eyes opened at the touch.

"Tired huh? Do you want to eat something?"

Jisoo asked, now running his fingers through Seokmin's hair, the latter shook his head, leaning into his hand as he mumbled how he had picked some food up on his way home.

It became quiet again, but not for long when the front door had opened and their kids had piled into the house. Ever since Seungcheol and Jeonghan had gotten their licences, they would pick up the Hansol and Seungkwan, while The remaining six had taken the school bus that dropped them off around the same time as the two eldest.

"Mommy! Look!"

Hansol cried out, running over to the couch, his small backpack falling off his shoulders as he did. The boy sat down in front of the couch, tugging bag off and pulling out a piece of paper.

"I draw family picture!"

And sure enough on the paper were color stsick figures of the large family. The boy began to point out each member of the family on the picture, and then called Seungkwan over to show his own drawing.

After the two youngest had disappeared into their rooms upstairs, Jihoon had sat beside him, pulling out a slip of paper.

"Permission form for one of my music concerts at the performing arts school." Jihoon said as he took out a pen from pocket and handing it to his mom.

Jisoo nodded his head, signing the form before handing the paper and pen back to him. "Anything else happened at school?" He asked as his son leaned against his side, head resting on his shoulder.

"No, but Soonyoung and Junhui made it in the talent show contest for dance." Jisoo hummed as he listened to Jihoon ramble on other events at school before the boy was pried from his side by Soonyoung who wanted him to see the dance he and Junhui were working on.

Before Jisoo could sit up, Wonwoo was by his side, already focused on the words with the book right in his face.

Jisoo ran his fingers through the boy's hair, watching how Wonwoo would nearly have his nose pressed in the book as he read or sometimes squinting at the words.

"Wonwoo, sweetie, I think we need to take you to an eye doctor."

Wonwoo nodded his head, glancing at him, "If I do need glasses, can I get the specs? and not boxed framed ones?" Jisoo nodded, pecking his forehead.

A loud laugh caught their attention, the two turned their head towards the hallway where Seokmin had a freshly bathed Seungkwan in his arms, carry the boy around like superman. The boy laughed loudly before he was set on the other couch, Seokmin attacking him with tickles.

The boy gasped for air in between his laughs, trying to push him away. It worked for a moment, when Seokmin moved to sit beside Wonwoo.

Seungkwan had a second to catch his breath before Minghao and Jeonghan came from behind the couch and took over to tickling the four year old.

Mingyu emerged from the kitchen, a platter of fruits and a grilled cheese sandwich in his hands, Seungcheol trailing behind him with the boy's drink.

It was just another day at the Lee household.

Author's Note
Chan is coming soON

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