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Time Skip, One Month

It's been about a month since Jisoo found out he's pregnant. The only ones that know were Seungcheol, Jeonghan and his neighbor Kihyun. Kihyun actually found out on his own when Jisoo had come over, it didn't take long for the mother of five to realize that his neighbor was pregnant, afterall, he had gone through the process five times.

A month in and Jisoo still hasn't told Seokmin, and quite honestly, he wasn't sure how to tell him, he also wasn't sure about how he'd react to another child. They have ten already, one more added addition, oh boy, who knows if he's up for it one more time.

Because Hansol and Seungkwan are starting preschool, the two parents had time to relax for the first time in fifteen—almost sixteen years since they've adopted Seungcheol and Jeonghan.

Ever since the adoption of the eldest two, there was never a dull moment in the Lee household, and that dullness stayed locked out with the adoption of their next children.

But then Jisoo thought about how happy they've been because of their children, all ten of their kids made up a rambunctious bunch, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

He smiled idiotically thinking how this child he's carrying would actually carry his and Seokmin's genetics. An actual biological baby of theirs, an actual dream come true of his and Seokmin's.

Though the only worry that left an itch in his throat was the fear of whether or not his baby will be with them.

Jisoo still got shudders and shakes from the old memory of being told his body isn't strong enough to support a child and because of that, his body wouldn't allow him to conceive, but if he somehow was able to conceive, he'd have to be careful.

Fragile. That's what he remembers Seokmin telling him when he broke down crying about being too weak to have a baby. Jisoo was fragile indeed, he's too good for anyone, even Seokmin himself.

With a sigh, Jisoo shook his head, throwing out those thoughts of the negative what ifs. He's been standing at the kitchen counter for ten minutes now, too lost in thought to realize he was in the middle of cooking an afternoon snack.

Thanks to the small body that wrapped itself around his leg, he shook out of his thoughts, placing the sandwich slices down to pick up a very needy Seungkwan who couldn't stop tugging at his jumper.

Seungkwan smiled brightly when he was picked up, attention is what he aimed for, the boy placing his chubby fingers against his cheeks and leaning in to peck his mother's lips. Jisoo smiled, peppering the boy's face with kisses before setting him down and to pick up Hansol who had waddled his way over.

Hansol has down the same as Seungkwan, pecking his mother's lips, Jisoo responded with his own kisses across his youngest's face, but when Jisoo went to place him down, Hansol simply refused, his little fingers gripping the cream coloured jumper.

Jisoo shook his head, letting the boy rest on his hip as he continued to fix up their afternoon snacks.

Author's Note
I thought a cute chapter of
Jisoo ft Hansol and
Seungkwan was needed


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