seven. (i)

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Time skip, one year

It was Seungcheol's and Jeonghan's first day of school, the two boys were excited to start first grade, though Jisoo was happy he wasn't ready to send his two eldest boys off to a full day of school. The two boys did go to kindergarten, but it was only half day, it didn't really compare to full day school. And sure Jisoo had three delightful one year olds to take care of, but he'll miss having his eldest boys helping him around the house and with their younger siblings.

"Mommy! I can't find my bag!"

"Hyung you left it on my bed!"

"Nevermind mommy!"

Jisoo chuckled hearing the two yell across the house, sure he'd tell them to quiet down, but the three babies were up and playing with their food. Well except for Jihoon who seemed to be falling asleep.

Seokmin came down the stairs, he placed his coat on his chair and kissed each of his babies. He and Jisoo were taking turns feeding the three boys, who were making a mess of their food rather than eating it.

Not long two boys came downstairs, bags on their backs, each wearing matching uniform. The two ran over to the table, climbing on to their seats, the both of them sporting a matching smile on their face.

Seungcheol leaned over and grabbed his own plate of waffles and eggs, placing some on Jeonghan's plate before eating. The younger boy was scolding his older brother for putting food on his plate, Jeonghan even saying he could have done it himself, his parents were laughing at the adorable scene between the two boys.

Soon breakfast was finished, Jisoo was putting the dishes away when Seokmin said he'll be taking the two boys to school now. Jisoo padded his wet hands against his pants as he walked over to the door where his two boys were putting their shoes on.

"Mommy hurry! We're gonna be late!"

Jisoo chuckled, nodding his head. "Come here my two babies." Their mother said as he knelt down and opened his arms. The two boys ran over, almost making their mom fall down as they hugged him.

"Mommy let go now! We're gonna be late! Mom~!" Seungcheol complained, Jisoo let go and Seungcheol went and stayed by his dad. Jeonghan stayed hugging a biy longer before finally letting go and walking over to his dad, standing beside his older brother.

Jisoo got up, kissing Seokmin's lips before sending them off. Before Jisoo could close the door, a small hand stopped him. Jeonghan had run up and gave him another hug. The boy smiled contently, mumbling "Last hug." before pulling away and running to the car, where his brother and dad were waiting.

Ever since the family had watched Big Hero Six, Jeonghan would always hug his parents and go off only to hug them again and say "last hug." before going off on a playdate or if he was spending the day with either his mom or dad.

Jisoo closed the door and walked to the kitchen where he had three one year old's looking up at him with curious eyes.

"It's just mommy and you guys now."

The three babies giggled, smiling and clapping their hands when Jisoo neared them and gave them each a kiss.

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