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Less than two months before their angel baby, Jeonghan turns one, the ten month old baby was speaking now, his talking skills developed a bit faster than Seungcheol's. Jeonghan yelled out 'mama' when Jisoo had neared him.

It was cute hearing Jeonghan call out for his mom. Seokmin constantly said that Jeonghan will grow up to be daddy's boy, but Jisoo argued saying that Jeonghan will remain a mama's boy. And so far it seems like Jisoo is right seeing that Jeonghan will always crawl towards his mom when he's put to decide between his parents.

But even when Jeonghan chooses his mom, he would always go over to his daddy to kiss his cheek, because Seokmin always pouts when his youngest chooses his husband over him.

Moments like these would cut short when Seungcheol comes in, crawling onto his mommy's lap. Though he got off when Jeonghan faced him. The younger had a pout on his face, eyes starting to well up seeing that 'his spot' was taken.

Seungcheol loved his little brother and always made sure he was happy. So when Seungcheol saw tears well up in Jeonghan's eyes he got up from his mom's lap so he can see Jeonghan smile again.

Seungcheol was a great big brother, quick with understanding Jeonghan's feelings even though they're still babies.

Today, the Lee kids had a playdate planned with the Im's. Im Jaebum, the father of three, is a close friend and co-worker of Seokmin. The two worked at a music entertainment company called Rising Stars. While Jaebum's husband, Jinyoung was a kindergarten teacher.

Jisoo is a stay at home parent, so he'll be watching the kids, which is alot really. The Im's four year old twin boys, Mark and Jackson, and their one year old adorable baby brother, Youngjae.

It was around eight am when the doorbell rang, Jisoo was in the middle of feeding a hungry Seungcheol, while Jeonghan was crawling around in his play pen. Jisoo had cleaned up Seungcheol's face before placing the one year old in his play pen with Jeonghan.

Jisoo had open the door and was greeted by Jaebum who held to still sleepy twins. Little Youngjae was fast asleep in Jinyoung's arms, his hands clutching onto his mother's jacket.

Jaebum had set the twins on the sofa, both boys lazily sat up, rubbing their eyes. Jinyoung handed Youngjae to Jisoo, the both of them talking before Jaebum pulled his husband away, saying they were both going to be late for work.

The Im parents pressed a kiss to each of their kid's faces before thanking Jisoo as they left for work.

Jisoo turned around to see the twins staring up at him. "Hungry?" They nodded their heads, Jisoo motioned them to sit down while he prepared breakfast for them. He set Youngjae down in the playpen with his kids before going to the kitchen.

While the babies' played and spoke gibberish together, Jisoo turned the tv on so the twins had something to watch while he cooked. In no time the twins were munching on their bacon and eggs while episodes of Mickey Mouse played.

It was sometime in the afternoon when Seokmin returned home from work, some toys were scattered around by the twins as they played with toy cars, Youngjae and Seungcheol were playing with building blocks. Jisoo was sat on the sofa, a blanket covering his upper half, Seokmin assumed he was busy breastfeeding Jeonghan.

"Dada! Dada!" Seungcheol exclaimed, his arms raised high as Seokmin neared him. Seokmin greeted Mark and Jackson, ruffling their hair before picking up his needy one year old.

"Hey hun, how was work?" Jisoo said from his seat as he looked up at his husband. "Great, we finished Wanna One's first album. Those boys will be promoting soon." Seokmin said as he leaned down and pecked Jisoo's lips.

Jeonghan popped out from the blanket, his face scrunching up with a smile seeing his daddy. "Daa! Boo!" Jeonghan said giggling as he hid under the blanket and popped out again. Seokmin chuckled and did the same.

Seokmin placed Seungcheol down beside Youngjae before taking Jeonghan from Jisoo. The older had folded the blanket, setting it aside before heading to the kitchen to get dinner started.

It was right before dinner when Jinyoung and Jaebum showed up to pick up their kids. Jisoo had insisted they stay for dinner, so they did. They sat around the table all eating the delicious meal Jisoo prepared.

Soon the Im's had left, Jinyoung and Jisoo shared a quick hug, saying they should do this again soon, while Seokmin and Jaebum spoke about tomorrow's plans for the current boy group they're managing.

"Were you okay dealing with five kids on your own?" Seokmin asked his husband, who was doing the dishes. "It was easy really, so yeah I was okay." The older replied as he placed the last of the dishes in the dishwasher.

"When Seungcheol and Jeonghan get older, would you want to adopt more?" Jisoo asked, leaning against the sink. "Hm~ definitely, I'm pretty sure we could handle more." Seokmin said after a moment, he nodded his head repeating they could handle more kids.

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