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Ten past nine and the whole family was still fast asleep, not that it was a bad thing, it's a Saturday afterall, no school for the kids, and no work for the parents. It was peaceful how the house full of noise was quiet.

Well, not all of the family was asleep.

Hidden beneath the baby pink covered sheets was Jihoon. The eleven year old was unable to get back to sleep after a disturbance, Soonyoung, intruded his bed, a little over a half hour ago.

It isn't that Jihoon doesn't mind the older twin slipping into his bed, it's more that Soonyoung kept pulling at the sheets and Jihoon was being left in the cool air of early morning.

That was until he pulled the sheets a bit too hard over him that Soonyoung nearly rolled ontop of him.

It was then the eleven year old had decide to switch beds, from his cozy pink bed, to the cold space of Soonyoung's violet bed.

Though it didn't help so Jihoon had gotten up and to the washroom to freshen up.

He found it nice being the first one up, he didn't have the usual argument with Seungcheol hyung about how long the older uses the bathroom, or having to pull back his siblings so he could shower first.

With nothing left to do, the boy trudged his way down the steps of the staircase, making his way to the kitchen for something to eat.

There wasn't much to eat, he can tell you that. If there was one thing he learned about growing up in this family, there was never any leftovers. No, they didn't throw them out, well compose them, but rather the family eats so much that there can never be any leftovers. And if there was, it was most likely because someone was sick and they didn't feel like eating.

So he opened the fridge door, knowing he'd find nothing but he checks anyways. He turns to look at the counter, a bag of bread still there. Grilled cheese for breakfast.

Now Jihoon May be eleven, but he can work a stove easily. His mother said that it's good to learn how to cook at a young age, you never know when you might be hungry and no one's home or none of the older ones were listening.

And that's how the family found Jihoon sat the coffee table munching on grilled cheese, with even his on mug of tea. The parents aren't sure where he found the teabags, but he found them somewhere.

They also found the table set up with some eggs, some boiled and some fried, along with bacon, rice and some warm toast.

As Seokmin gathered everyone to sit down so they could eat, Jisoo walked over and sat beside Jihoon, pulling his real baby of the kids into a hug and pecking his forehead.

He smiled, thanking him for setting up their brunch, Jihoon mumbling how it wasn't a big deal, but he smiled looking at the table and seeing his family enjoy the brunch he cooked.

Author's Note
Annnnnnnd dino will be making his
debut in the story soon


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